What wonderful summer weather we're having over here in sunny, sunny England. Not!
I always knew it was coming but today was my first experience running in the rain, and when it rains boy does it pour.
By the time I had finished the 5 minute walk I was utterly soaked. My mum, who had decided to come out with me and walk around the rec while i did my thing, left when the rain was getting heavy. Also there were other people in the rec huddling under the hanging trees that allowed a least a little shelter from the downpour as well as dog walkers cracking out their umbrellas.
And then there was me, jogging( very slowly, i swear my walking pace is faster than my jogging pace) for the last 8 minutes, hardly able to see as my glasses were pretty much useless with all that rain, thin tank top completely gone see-through, slight stitch in my side during the last 3 minutes or so. And all I could think of was, wow c25k has really changed me, without this program and the support of the community I would definitely not have been prepared to run through all of this. I probably would have given up but I knew that I could do it as so many of you guys have said I could.
So thanks guys. And here's to my next week 5 run. May the 20 minutes not kill me