As some of you know, I have foolhardedly entered the Leeds 10K in July.
Lots of suggestions were made for programmes to follow to get me there (thank you all). But true to form I have decided to plough my own erratic furrow. The trouble is, I seem to be stuck at a very slow pace. Try as I might, I can't seem to run 5K in under 39 minutes. So most of the bridge to 10K programmes seemed too ambitious for me. They assume a higher level of competence than I feel I have.
My answer? I have decided to do Couch to 5K again. But this time instead of 'jogging' when Laura says 'jog' I will run as fast as I comfortably can. Not exactly a sprint, but certainly a strong pace I couldn't maintain for 30 minutes. I did Week1 run 1 today and amazingly, despite the walk breaks, my pace was still just over 8 minutes per K- i.e. a 40 minute 5K. I am hoping this means that as the 'jog' segments get longer my average pace will improve further. I really don't want to start training for a 10K until I can run 5K in 30 minutes so I that's my goal by Week 9. I'll keep you posted!