I am unfit and overweight which is not a great start! I did week one, run one today. I managed to keep running on the 60 second spurts but I say 'running' in its loosest sense, I don't think it was much faster than my walking! Was anyone else in the same starting position as I feel quite demoralised!
Please tell me it gets better!: I am unfit and... - Couch to 5K
Please tell me it gets better!

Hi Purple
Well done for getting out there! And completing the first run. That is a great start.
Laura does stress to take it slow, so you are doing it right! Run too fast to start and you will wear yourself out and be put off.
I am just a few weeks ahead of you on week 4. Believe me, I still regularly get overtaken by walking seagull with my 'running' speed. The programme is designed to build stamina rather than speed - you can work on that after you have completed the 9 weeks.

Don't worry you are not alone! I was exactly the same and so slow And the breathing was really hard I remember thinking I would never manage to do more than a minute at a time BUT this week I have run 28 mins and tomorrow going to attempt A 5 k parkrun Just go really slow and do exactly as Laura says and you will be amazed at what you can do The programme works Good luck!!

Purple, don't give up, search my previous posts, At least you ran the 60 seconds, go as slow as you like. When I started I couldn't do the whole 60. I repeated the wk1 runs 5 times before I could do it, but since then am steadily and slowly working through the programme. I am overweight and stopped smoking in September and nearing the end of wk 6, if I can do this anyone can. Keep checking on here for inspiration and encouragement, the folk on here are amazing and will keep you going. Good luck xxx

It gets better. Really it does. In week 1 I had a horrible stitch from about 5 seconds in of the first "run" - I had no idea a minute could feel so long. Now I'm on week 6 and I still think I walk faster than I run - but who cares !

You're doing better than I did, took me weeks to get to the point where I could run for 60 seconds
Thank you so much guys. You're quite right - I never knew a minute could last so long!! The worst part is starting so I guess that's done - I was so conscious of what people thought of me as I huffed and gasped but I shall buy a baseball cap at the weekend (I've never worn one in my life!) and pull the brim down low!! Hopefully, I'll be striding purposely in a few weeks rather than dragging myself around the block! Thanks for the kind words of encouragement.
you are so not alone healthunlocked.com/#couchto...
it does get easier, both the running and the feeling exposed... good job starting at all, that's the hardest part
The answer is yes , yes , yes ! Well done on completing the run , I was like you , I thought I was going too slow , but I knew it was the only way I would complete the run so I listened to Laura and it works , the plan works you will find yourself getting & feeling fitter with every run just keep at it & you will get there before you know it

I see so much of myself in you as I felt exactly the same as you. Was really nervous for each week thinking how the heck am I going to do that! But trust in the plan, no matter how slow. I graduated today and it felt great. Still overweight but now 10 times fitter. I can run for 30+ mins. When I started I struggled to run and looked lobster colour! Keep going. Use this community as they will give you all the encouragement you need. Happy running!

As all above has said -this was so many of our first experience of the programme -I am 4stone overweight but have kept at it and am 2runs away from graduating. Well done you for getting out here and starting.it does get easier promise.

Don't believe them, NO, it doesn't get better (by better I assume you mean 'easier'), not at all, of course your goals change, now it's hard getting to 20k (still not managed it and it won't be this weekend) rather than 1 minute, but if you don't push yourself to strive for the next goal........

I agree with beads. Every stage is hard, but I am amazed at how quickly your body adapts. Im on week 6 and now have less of an issue with people seeing me running. im not sure Im any more graceful or elegant, but I certainly care less! A minute seems so inconsequential that i was embarrassed to tell people I was struggling with it, but I've quickly realised the people that judge are exactly the ones that would struggle themselves, so choose to sit on their arses and heckle instead! We've been where you are now. Trust us. Stick at it. I am no fitness junkie, but I look forward to my runs, to seeing again how brilliant my body is and to reading other peoples, scarily similar experiences on here. So no, in short, it doesnt got better, but you'll have an ever broader smile on your (very red and sweaty) face, the further on you go! good luck and keep us posted. x

So you got up, went outside, and started running. Whooooo! Good for you, that is by far the biggest step, and it's great that you have done it.
You are just like the rest of us. The first few weeks are hard, you are doing something you haven't done before, or for a while at least. It does get easier, but that is a relative term. Meaning Week 1 will get easier, then you will have a go at Week 2. And that will require a bit more effort. By Week 5, a minute will be nothing, as you face new challenges. Don't forget that every run that goes by, you are getting fitter and healthier. That has to be a rewarding experience. When you graduate, and you will - if you really want to, you will just set your self new targets, and they will be hard, but you can do them. Don't worry about your pace, just stick to the plan, move up a week when you are ready, and you will get there.
(Don't think of running as moving fast, it's different from walking in terms of the stride and how long your foot is on the ground. You can run slowly, you can run fast. It really does not matter).
Keep blogging, the good days and the bad. There are a lot of really great people here, all of whom want you to succeed, and will support you on your way.

Keep at it. I found that I just wanted to keeo up with the programme. It does work.... Just keep running... However slow!* if you can, buy yourself some nice gear to run it. You will look like a runner! If u run on pavements, I used to run so that the cars were coming behind me....that way I didnt see the drivers faces as they past. It really is worth it. Hope u can keep going.

I realised this week as I celebrated a sub-9 minute average for the first time (I started C25K Feb 2012) that some people wouldn't even consider me to be at jogging pace let alone be a runner. I believe myself to be a runner, since the action is different from walking.

If you do the programme as prescribed, taking extra time on any week you think you need to, you will succeed & be a runner sooner than it probably seems right now. I'm back where you are now after an unrelated medical situation, so will be running right along with you. Week 1 & onward we go!
Thank you to everyone who responded. I have run two to do tomorrow and I intend to continue. This programme has worked for so many people so there's no reason why it won't for me especially with so many kind people to encourage

I wanted to reach through the computer and hug you at this post! I felt exactly the same, I seemed impossible that I would ever get anywhere near 2 minutes, let alone do 5k! Trust in the program, listen to your body and believe you can do it, because you can and you will. We are all here if you need any support, need a good grumble or want to share in a happy moment. Trust me!
Welcome to the big world of runners...
YES it does get better, and for fear of repeating myself on here, please watch the Youtube clip 'Running for my existence'. It is well worth a few minutes of your time to see what can be achieved.
Good luck, and keep posting ~ it really is helpful to keep in touch.