Ist ever run yesterday. This morning hurting from the waist down. My knees and left hip are not happy and my calf muscles are concrete. I guess I need to do some stretching afterwards in future. I am soooo unfit.
Tell me it gets better!: Ist ever run yesterday... - Couch to 5K
Tell me it gets better!

It gets better! Stretching definitely helps after a run in preventing those aches and pains. As for being unfit - well you've just taken the first step towards beating that.

Is the 1961 in your tag - your birth year?? If so, my birth year is 1946!
I also had aches and pains when I first started this - for me, mostly shin splints ( which I am sure you will hear about sometime ) .
Does it get "better" ?? "easier"?? Depends on what you mean by better or easier.
We have people on this forum who have started out with C25K, gone on to run 10K races -- half Marathons - even Marathons -- and I'm sure they didn't find it any easier or better than their first run in C25K . So - probably - the answer to your question is NO , it doesn't get any easier or better. It gets harder -- but that is the challenge that inspires us, gets us going and gives us great satisfaction!!
You will be OK -- the hardest part of all is just putting on your running shoes and getting out the door!!
They say "It doesn't get easier, you just get stronger". Stretching helps, as does strength training and remembering to go nice and slow.
The important thing is to back yourself and to trust the programme - you can do it.

Well done. Great start. The toughest hurdle is in the mind, making the decision to start and get going. Week 1 is a a real challenge for the body to wake up and start moving and it does complain back! Best of luck. Keep it up.

I can only echo what has already been said, the runs don't get easier, you just get better at doing them!
You'll be amazed how quickly your body gets stronger and fitter if you follow the plan.
The first runs are definitely the hardest on your body - the later ones are harder on your mind! Stretching really helps and I took 2 or 3 days rest between runs in the first week so I wasn't running on sore stiff muscles.

You need to do the warm up walks and cool downs religiously. I found 5 minutes not enough to get warmed up so would usually do 10. I now jiggle about in the house before I go out. Do a few high knees, skaters, jump rope (no rope), arm circles, jumping jacks. Jumping jacks get you really hot quick so I like those.
It's day 1. You can expect to ache if you're new to exercise. Have a rest, two days if needs be and then go again. You are only walking and running for a few seconds so it should be do-able. You are running very slowly, take your time. No need for speed
Good luck

To be honest, if i'm not aching I think there is something wrong with me
As said, you get stronger, it doesnt get easier because you learn to push yourself.
It will get better, promise. I'm not sore at the end of wk5 and i'm sort of missing it in a strange way lol. I sounded like granda simpson every time i stood up for the first 3weeks.
Stertching your calves out really helps, a few times a day just give them a good stretch till you feel the muscles pulling. They'll eventually loosen up.