Not quite 5k but did run for 42 mins and reached 4.82km. Came up with a new plan as I didnt want the laura's music but also enjoy being talked to and knowing the time. So ran while listening to the radio. All was going well until lace came undone and nearly tripped me up. Stopped to do and was worried I wouldn't get going again. Legs were a little bit heavy from the brief stop but carried on.. Knew I was 'in the zone' when I missed the road I normally go down. Felt a good pace when radio gave time. I knew I had bn running for 30 mins and still felt good enough to contine. So on I went. Reached my destination and just a tad disappointed I hadnt reached 5k but did run for 42 mins. Well chuffed. 5k is achievable! Thank you C25k and thank you Laura. To my lovely new community friends thank you for your encouragement. Waiting now for my silver badge. :-))))
Done, done, DONE!!! (week 9 run 3): Not quite 5k... - Couch to 5K
Done, done, DONE!!! (week 9 run 3)

Well done you - I'm just behind with 2runs to do. Never thought about listen to radio but actually a good idea as takes your mind off it. X well done again. Great time -I'm struggling with the 30mins.

Well done!!! Amazing. I also completed this run today! go us

That's a great run, and congratulations on graduating. You know now that 5k is just around the corner - literally
Another graduate today , that's 2 I've seen this morning , congratulations , bet your over the moon . Well done .

Congratulations Looks like busy weekend for runners -- yes you are runner-- graduating . I have 3 more runs before I can join you guys good luck with future running

Congratulations!!! xx

Thank you.

Hoorah!!!!! Well done! It's a great achievement. Hope those boys will be proud of their Mum!

Fantastic congratulations to all those graduating today : ) I have miss calculated along the way somewhere and not sure if I have two or three runs left because I ran for 30 mins last time but I think I was meant to of done Wk8-R3 so only 28 mins but will run today and again on Sunday and then graduation run on Tuesday. Then next weekend I have a 5k Christmas Challenge run which I am really hoping I can manage to run the whole thing

Mum2! Just seen this! Awesome! You must be so chuffed (but a teeny weeny bit sad too now you're at the end?). Really thrilled for you and to see your 'silver' badge by your name. A PROPER runner. Who'd have thought it eh? Huge congratulations. It's been great following your posts and those of Rockette since we all started at the same time. I only fell behind because I missed a day or so but not long now. Hope you'll keep going. Good luck with everything and hope to see your posts about your 5k runs! x

Thank you. Will miss the camaraderie of all us who've bn around the same marker. Now my challenge is to keep going 3 mornings a week, rest at weekends then in the spring try bridging to 10k. Ooo errr hark at me :-s look forward to seeing your final run! Thank you for your encouragement.

Thank you for yours! 10k? Good grief...! ; )

Woo hoo! Congratulations on your graduation ! I knew you could do it ...just shows what u can do when u put your mind, time and effort to it !
Well done just done myself yesterday. I don't think I quite reached 5K. do just under 6 laps of local lake ( I estimated to be about 800 metres (may be a tad more). But have found I am speeding up naturally without too much effort. Really helped having the C25K plan.

Well done and congrats on completing the course! I'm a week behind you. I had started to panic about what or rather who would talk me through my runs but the radio is an excellent idea - can't wait to get there now!!

Great Job