So this morning I tried the new change4life app -same programme but you can play you own music -that all sounded great , but think it actually effected my run not having the occasional comment or advice from Laura -I needed her!! Loved listening to my own music but not at the expense of her words of wisdom and support!!! Back to the programme for me
New c25k app -missed Laura!!: So this morning I... - Couch to 5K
New c25k app -missed Laura!!

No Laura on the app? I thought we would be getting the same words of wisdom but with our own choice of music. I'm disappointed now. I think I may stick with the good old mp3s too then if that's the case.

Oh dear, I thought about downloading it just for something different to run to but with a structure and directions overlaid on my own tunes. If there is no Laura or pacing/timing prompts, then what on earth is the app all about? I've been able to run to my own stuff for ages. Disappointed
I'll stick to my hours worth of great MP3 tunes and my Garmin forerunner for distances and pace recording! Thanks for the feedback. Cheers, Linda
Laura is there , I've downloaded it & music goes off when Laura as something to say . Is that what you mean ? The couch 25k one do you mean ?

Laura's smooth voice just says walk/time to run - but no encouragement or feedback that I heard on mine.
On my I phone she does , just doublechecked listened to my next up n coming run wk 4 r3 & it's just same as podcast

Sorry must be me , just listened to the next one too and there she was! Perhaps I didn't realise she was there this morning!or I was just getting withdrawl from the lovely nhs music. Ignore my silliness everyone-it was a 6.30am run!!
Lol know the feeling , glad u have been reunited with Laura .

I have been searching for this new app and still can't find it! Can any body help??

I just went in apps on iPhone and put in change 4life and it same up

Does anyone know if the Android app is out yet?