Done the last run of week 3 this afternoon. Hoping for colder weather and rain as promised by the forecast (which to be fair it was during the morning) but by the time I ran it (5 pm) it was sunny, and warm (although not as hot as Wednesday fortunately). Took it steady and done OK. Haven't dared to see what's in store for week 4 - I think I'll just wait until the first run on Sunday and worry about it then!
Week 3 done: Done the last run of week 3 this... - Couch to 5K
Week 3 done

Sometimes it's best not to look. I like the fact that Laura sometimes surprises me with the intervals she chooses. Won't say anymore don't want to spoil the ending for you. good luck with next week & well done.
I've found it better not to look at what's in store before you're actually out there with headphones on. Have a good groan when Laura tells you and just resign yourself to it!! Remember, she's 'with you all the time'. (I don't think she is unless she's politely refusing to acknowledge my expletives!) Still, she is right. Don't you feel great when she says 'Well Done'?

Congrats on finishing week 3! I have too It was supposed to be cooler when I went out yesterday and 7am but the sun came out for me too lol - but it's still cooler at that time of day thankfully! I am looking forward to a cooler run and am gonna need it for week 4.
I haven't looked at the details but have peeked ahead a bit and I am pretty nervous about it. Even though I did manage week 3 I found it hard and I've started telling myself I shouldn't move on... but I know everyone here says if you completed all 3 runs then you can move on. I won't look at it in detail and I'll just see how it goes.
Glad to have someone at the same place as me! Good motivation to keep going.
I'm determined to follow the program and put some faith into it, so have told myself in no uncertain terms that provided I get through a week, no matter how tough and punishing it was, that I will move forward to the next week. I'm worried that I'll convince myself that I'm not ready to move on and will still be on week one in six months time! Come on, we can do this together! Best foot forward, let's get this done! Very best of luck with week four.
Well done! I just completed Week 3 as well but unlike you I know what's coming in Week 4 ...yikes! Lol

Congratulations Bristol_plodder. I'm also starting week 4 tomorrow and like Sarah I have found out (by accident) what's in store. It doesn't matter what Laura throws our way we will soldier on until graduation!!!!