2 weeks after 5 days in hospital I came back to the program - that was Wednesday. I'd blogged that I was going to run and several people said to go back and do intervals first. I decided against that so sensible advice and ran W9 R2's 30mins SOOO slowly a tortoise would have overtaken me. The next day everything ached and I felt very tired. I took 2 days of rest and today went back and did 3 intervals of 10 minutes with 3 mins walking in between. It was hard (particularly the last 5 mins of the 3rd 10) but I did it - and at my usual speed....which isn't exactly fast I crawled for the 5 minutes walk! But I did it.
I'd intended doing 2 intervals of 15 minutes on Monday and then theW9 R3 on Wednesday but have decided that I need to do 3 x 10 again before I decide what to do next. I'm rtelling myself that graduation isn't a race to be completed - it's a program to be followed at my own pace. I want my graduation to be as good as my running W9 R1 was before I went into hospital. I want to end with a bang not a whimper as TS Eliot said.