The worst jogger ever...yes really: Just found a... - Couch to 5K

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The worst jogger ever...yes really

TeaAye profile image
20 Replies

Just found a distance app and mapped out my route. Reckon it is a bit more than 2km and that takes me around 20 mins so I jog at about 3.45mph.

Feeling really disheartened. Not only am I definitely not a runner, I will not be making 5k at any time soon even if I finally make the jogging for 30 mins thing with Laura.

Am on week 7 so making 25 mins but if that is all I am doing in terms of distance, then it is shocking.

Going to keep going as i need to get fit but I honestly feel I must be the worst jogger ever. I had hoped doing the C25k would help my self esteem but this knowledge has sent me spiralling. Last week I was pretty proud of myself now I am ashamed and am glad I not only run alone but pretty much in places where I am not seen!

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TeaAye profile image
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20 Replies
boudicca profile image

Not shocking at all - about the same as me actually. The distance will come eventually.

bikergirl profile image

Aww try not to let it get to you. Its really not about the speed at all. The fact your running no matter the speed or distance is, that's what's important. You've achieved so much by getting to week 7. You and all of us weren't able to do what we do now 7 weeks ago. A workmate of mine is mega fit, mega skinny and goes to the gym every single day. And I overtook her the other day when i was walking and she was jogging. She runs so slowly. But she and you and all of us are still runners. Because we are out there doing it :-) Don't put down what youv achieved. you have done brilliant. chin up :-) you deserve praise.

magster profile image

You are not on the couch - you are out running!! - speed and distance will come in time - just enjoy the fact that you are out there running , there are millions of people still stuck to their couches! You have already done a fantastic job having reached week 7 I really struggled with this week and nearly gave up but you haven't. Well done and just keep going you will get there. :)

ancientrunner profile image

It really doesn't matter - it's the fact you are running that counts. Wk1- did you ever think you woudl run for 25 mins?

Plinth profile image

I dont think im much faster - my app tells me mins per km so cant properly compare! (but not much further than that and im in week 7 too.

TeaAye profile image

Gosh folks thanks for the support. It is so reassuring to hear I am not the slowest runner ever.

I didn't ever think in week 1 that I would be able to do 25 mins and part of my knows I should be able to do 30 mins and then eventually pick up some speed but it just feels when reading other posts, I am just not getting there.

I really do try to not let it be to me but I honestly have no support (apart from here) so a bad day ends up a really bad day.

Birdie74 profile image

I'm starting wk9 on Tuesday and I know there's no way I'll be doing 5k by the end of it. I've decided it'll be a longer term commitment to get there and, for me, it's about actually completing the 5k, not the time I run it in.

You are doing something amazing - something many people only ever talk / think about doing. Keep going and know that you're most definitely not alone.

greenlegs profile image

Slow and steady. Really. I only ran just over 3k in my final run of week 9. And I was overtaken by a man walking his dog. :D (Which just made me laugh - a lot!)

But I still think of myself as a runner (and since I graduated I have found that I can really run for a short distance, and am hoping I'll be able to keep going a bit further if I keep practising - it is such an amazing feeling to really run, now that my legs and joints have got the hang of how it works!).

I have also since run 5k, and then 6k and 7k - and 10k (only once! - it took 100 minutes - but I did it).

Be kind to yourself, and recognise what a huge achievement it is to go from running for 60 seconds to running for 25 minutes. Don't knock it! I have been surprised how positive other people (fast runners) have been about my slow running - not one has made me feel that it is too slow, and so many have really made me feel that I've done something really worthwhile, and that they recognise the effort that has gone into it.

Keep going! :D

TJFlute profile image

Just keep going. We're all reading this and thinking...yep, that's running!

Slowworm profile image

This was what I'd been thinking recently too, then I thought, how fast was I running 3 months ago and the answer of course was i wasn't. It is quite amazing to think I was nearly crying (or dying) on a run 3 weeks ago that was 90 secs long and now I can run 25 mins non stop. Focus on what you have achieved, keep an eye on what you still want but don't let it feel so far away that you're not motivated by it.

NaughtyNanna profile image

Well done for keeping going. I feel the same as you, I start week 4 tommorow. When I have to run past real runners in our park, I feel ashamed at my snail pace, but I'm hoping I will get a bit faster over time. Hope I manage to get as far as you!

tyoung45 profile image

Im a slow runner too, even after 12 months or so running 2/3 times a week. Dont despair it does get easier and distance will come. Its good to measure if you can and give yourself some small objectives each week. Def worked for me.....

LillyBeth profile image

TeaAye, I'm just so impressed you can run for 25 minutes! I'll be starting week 2 tomorrow and can't imagine getting as far as you have. I think you should be really proud of yourself for having the stamina and dedication to have come this far. IMO the purpose of the plan is to be able to run non-stop for 30 minutes; the 3K distance is just a guide and is helpful only if we want to run races and need to know how far we can run.

Pearsey profile image

0-5K is about stamina and endurance, not speed or distance, so calm down, and stop worrying. Pace is what you set for yourself-push it too hard and you will definitely not finish the jog, which is what it is all about. At this stage of the game concentrate on jogging, not running. Laura says time and again pace yourself, this is about stamina and endurance. You have to get that right first. You will find that as you progress through the programme you will automatically pick up on speed. Only time to push into a final run is last 5 minutes of the run.

Turn the App off and enjoy. Apps maps are for when you are learning speed.

Keep on Running! :-)

TeaAye profile image

Gosh you lot are fantastic...thanks for the encouragement.

I will be keeping up with my very slow jogging as I know I need to build up my stamina. It is just really disappointing to think that I am that slow still!

But you are right that I have come a long way since week 1 and in fact even before as I haven't been able to do any exercise since the birth of my youngest (18 years ago) because his birth caused internal damage which was remedied a the start of the year. I must remember this and be proud of what I have achieved. I guess it is only 6 weeks.

Pearsley, thanks for the last 5 minute -only been pushing myself for the last minute as Laura suggests, but I will give the last 5 mins a go at a fast pace.

twigg profile image

Keep going you are doing well

TeaAye profile image

W7r2 done and although I didn't manage to pick up speed in the last 5 mins I did go a bit faster for much of the jog than usual...largely because as I got into the fields there was a very fit guy running with his dog so, too embarrassed to start at a snails pace, I started a little faster and kept it up for the first 5 mins.

I usually jog round 2 fields plus about 3 mins on the, round the 2 fields, plus 3/4 of the first fields and then 5 mins on the road...couldn't run any faster if I tried by the end mind ;0) But thanks to you lot I have proved to myself that I can do this...almost felt like a proper jogger today.

Also first time without my ankle supports. The damn things are so right on my calf and if they aren't exactly right on my foot, they are uncomfortable. Had a few knee twinges so will have to see how it goes but I would like to ditch them (the supports not the knees) if I can.

Going to aim for twice round the bigger field next time...scrap that, going to aim to see where the fit guy runs ;0)

MumOnTheRun profile image

Keep following the fit guy and your speed will increase in no time ;)

Just like everyone else has said, take it easy, get the time up and the speed will come. At least I hope that's how it works. I graduated on Sunday with a 4km run that took 35:40 then we went and walked 4km this morning and it only took 36:20. I always thought I could probably walk quicker than I jog and yep, I'm right. But just like you, I'm going to keep on going. After all, with the improvements of the last two months just imagine how much you'll improve in the next two!

Ifatfirst profile image

Well done for getting to 25 minutes- you will get faster. But does it matter if you feel better for the running. I sometimes run with my daughter who says I 'm so slow - but she's exhausted after 10 minutes and I can manage 30minutes. Just be delighted that you can keep going for 25minutes when in week 1 running for a minute was a struggle (well it was for me) . Keep going and be proud of the fact that your doing it - well done and keep doing what your doing

paterson profile image

I have been running for nearly a year now. Started c25k in July last year and am aiming for 5 mile run on June 23. However this 5 miles takes me over an hour. I am a very slow runner but I work on increasing time and distance. I have tried interval training but I cannot get faster but I don't want to give up running even if run slowly. I try to run 3 times a week and do yoga or some type of cross training in between. Sometimes it is not helpful to think "I should be doing ........". BTW, I am not that slim either, being about a stone overweight according to the "ideal weight" tables but I look at lot better than before I started running. Keep going.

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