Have got as far as wk2 run2...still can't believe that one day I will reach wk9....hmmmm
Where do I start??: Have got as far as wk2 run... - Couch to 5K
Where do I start??

Keep the faith.
Know that it may take longer than 9 weeks.
Every time you run it is a success, even if it is a bad run just getting out there can be really tough so feel proud each and every time not just at the end of week 9.
Keep going and you will do it.
Good luck!

Hi there Maryannlucy, You will! I am about to run Wk9 Run 3 tomorrow and if anyone had reassured me I would achieve it when I started 3.5 months or so ago I would have doubted their sanity... I hadn't run since school, felt like a great lumbering fool, had a pair of seriously dodgy knees and... well, the same story as many on the site. And yet, it works... I have pretty much hated the music but can't bear the thought of running without Laura's encouragement (although it will probably stop people giving me a wide berth as I converse with (occasionally swear at) an apparently imaginary running mate).
I've already ordered my graduate T shirt and will be on the blog before I even shower when I get back tomorrow to ask for my graduate badge and as discussed below there will be tears alongside the seriously big grin I seem to have permanently on my beetroot tinted face when I'm running... Yes, ME! running!.
Sorry seem to have gone on a bit... In short If I can you can... Go for it and keep us posted, we'll be willing you on every step of the way...

You can, and you will. Trust the programme and trust yourself. I have yet to meet someone (virtually) who thought they could really do it, we all had big question marks about whether or not we would ever run for 30 minutes, or 5K (more than 30 minutes for the majority, to begin with at least).
I hated running when I was younger, it always made my shins hurt, I thought it was boring, and I thought people who enjoyed running were bonkers. My perception of the world has changed, we are not the crazies, they are (non-runners ) You wait, you'll be an addict in another few weeks and then you'll know you can do it!
Good luck

Trust in the plan! Lovely Laura will get you there eventually I promise!
My goal was to complete the plan in 12 weeks but it actually took me 18 weeks as I was poorly a lot last year (and I repeated some weeks as I ddin't feel ready).
I now run for 30 minutes 3 times a week - I'm loving it!
Please don't feel it's not possible - it is and you can do it!
Thanks, I will believe
Good luck KernowKate, looking forward to seeing GRADUATE against your name
Woo hoo well done you, bet you are still floating on cloud 9 with your great achievement!!!! Think I could hear your cries of joy from here