I'm at the end of week 1 now and as I've not exercised for 20 years its been a big learning curve!
I've loved bits of w1 but found other bits a struggle and I've learnt some important things:
1. Don't run up hills in week 1! When deciding where to do my first run I went for the most scenic route which I had stupidly forgotten was quite hilly. The thigh pain was was so awful I felt like chucking my new trainers into the bin! Luckily I did a flat run 2 days later and it was much better...
2. Don't wear too much or you'll overheat. I wore a shirt and hooded top in 15 degrees heat on w1r2 and felt like an overheating engine.
3. On run 2 I made the classic 'schoolgirl error' of eating dinner 90 mins before my run. I thought that'd be fine but then got indigestion whilst running! Next run I had a banana 2.5 hours before. Loads better!
4. Worked out my asthma is better controlled if I use my blue inhaler before running instead of after. Revelation.
5. Have a friend to train with. Mine was doing runs elsewhere but we have been texting eachother afterwards. Knowing a mate is going through the same really helped me stay motivated.
Roll on w2!