As some are aware following a cancer removal from my face , I took a friend and myself on a mystery seaside tour. We had a lovely time and lots of touring. I was even lucky to win the bingo at the hotel in the evening . Where did we go? Monmouth then on to Porthcawl . Lovely scenery but it was a long journey . Hotel was right on the Esplanade and we had a sea view bedroom . That fulfilled my friends bucket list so we were very pleased we made it. Food was general average 3* & room was basic but it was only for one night . Think most of them enjoyed the trip. The music was mainly from the 50s &60s in the evening. That is the first time I have been away from home since just before the Virus lockdown so it was nice to get away for a change. Now I have to phone GPs later to make appointment for Flu and Virus Jab as I missed the main clinic on Saturday. Have a lovely day all its quite sunny here today but further rain forecast
A catch up on my trip out: As some are aware... - COPD Friends
A catch up on my trip out

Delighted you enjoyed the break and a change of scenery and getting looked after does us no end of good. Hope you're planning the next trip.
I was thinking more of a holiday for next year. But at present I have a few health issues hanging in the air but should be resolved by October I hope. May go for a day trip for a Christmas lunch . My sister should be taking me out before Christmas for lunch and my friends birthday is begining of November . So a few bits under consideration.
So pleased you had a nice break away with your friend. I always think a change of scenery does you good. My flu jabs are being done next Saturday. But away to Llandudno from Wednesday till Sunday so will have to make another appointment. Hope your keeping as well as possible. Brian
Hello Brian, I missed my injections while away but I got a message to contact the surgery to make another appointment, when I rang Sharon said as far as she knows all appointments have been done but no idea when another date is for such injections, to ask when I attend for blood test next week. So precautionary I have booked a Covid one at the local chemist for the 30th I can always cancel it if the Gp gives me another date for both. I am trying my best to keep well but another problem as arisen . Enjoy your trip been to Llandudno many times over the years and used to go to mums freinds who lived at Llandudno Junction
Great you enjoyed your break. I love Porthcawl spent my childhood in a caravan for 2 weeks holidays every year miners fortnight Love Rest Bay .not fussy on Trecco Bay as too crowded. Newton is lovely also
Hope you are now feeling relaxed. You could have called to see me ,I live about 40mins away .xxSheila ⚘💕