3 issues as you can see from the title. Any one of the three affects me seperately at differemnt times.
I have had sinus issues since my late teens .......... still with me now, aged 80. Blocked sinuses/ yucky nose all kicks off after getting up, first thing in morning. Constantly blowing my blocked nose in an attempt to clear it, I use a bog standard Boots nasal spray - makes very little difference. I'm not aware that sinuses are dripping yuck down my throat to my chest.
Next, constantly struggling for breath and breathing. Constantly endure coughing fits first thing in the morning - but it can kick off anytime during the day and often for no apparent reason and just about take all the air out of me.
COPD - diagnosed following Spirometry with Reversibility lung function tests on mid December 2024. Described as Mild/Stage 1 COPD. Prescribed Easyhaler with Sabutomol inhalant and I've been told to increase my exercise levels and am now attending Pulmonary Rehab as well as increasing my walking activities.
End outcome ......... sweet damn all. That said, the most effect treatment for coughing is to take a dose of bog standard Benylin Chesty Cough - cough mixture.
................. and Spring hasn't kicked off yet with all the pollens bursting out all over !!
Just wondering if any of you guys and gals have any thoughts/opinions on this triple whammy of a conundrum ? Please. 😀