Hi everyone I’m 46 and have not smoked in over two years about 15 months ago I had a virus which gave me a chest infection and made me wheeze very badly, my doctor said only asthma and copd causes a wheeze never a virus and sent me for a spirometry test. I got be scared and my fears seemed to be confirmed when my spirometry results comments said “possibly early sign of copd”
Results were: ratio 68
fev1 83
FVC 88
Lung age 68
My second test only few days ago (oneYears later) said result normal
Ratio 72 %
FEV1 91
FVC 93
Lung age 57
Comments said “This result does not suggest obstruction as the FEV1, FVC and ratio were normal. On reversibility only the FEV1 increased by 3%”.
Results normal
ive Been under the impression I had mild copd for the last year as my first test had ratio under 70, now I’m confused.
Can anyone help? Anyone with a similar experience