Morning all
Day 13 in the heart ward where they r optimising me for surgery every and it’s going very well.
But I have discovered regarding my COPD I made a very big mistake over the years, and it’s to do with when I was struggling to sleep in a bed and moved into a reclining chair, which after 12yrs is back firing.
People who saw me in it often said “ why do u sit with the chair so straight and rigid and also crunched up.”I always said it’s because of the COPD and I cannot lay too far back.
I was very wrong, it wasn’t the COPD it was because of…….SMOKING !!
Since I packed up 4 weeks ago my breathing is unbelievable, from oxygen levels of 88-92% I am now getting 95-96% and have had a 97. Last night in the reclining chair they’ve given me I suddenly reclined it fully back, feet up, something I never do at home because I panic. Without realising, 2 hrs later I am still fully reclined and breathing normal. I knew then it was because of the smoking.
This weekend I’m gonna start playing with the bed, I.e. getting on it and reclining and if I’m right I may well have a chance of getting back into a bed in a regular basis.
Yes, I do know how bad smoking is, but when your doing it your often saying it’ll be ok because your handling it , your not, it’s what smoking is doing behind the scenes.