I have severe copd panic a lot as I live on my own now wife passed away stopped smoking 8 weeks ago I think my breathing has got worse I have also had to give up work as I could not find the strength for a days work it is times like this that you do wish your partner was alive to give you the strength to cope as i am 64 hope that this all sounds ok as I am not the best at this first time I have ever written anything Peter
Panic : I have severe copd panic a lot as I... - COPD Friends

Hi Peter, so sorry to hear of the loss of your wife. Grieving & having difficulty breathing can surely explain your panic attacks. My husband passed away 2 years ago & I was diagnosed with copd 2 months later. It's very hard to be alone, esp. when health issues arise. I'm glad you posted here because you'll get to sense a feeling of community that is so helpful. I hope & pray that you reach out & receive all the support you need. Pls keep us updated. God bless you, Terri
Thank you for being so kind to reply that was my very first time on social media so sorry to hear of your loss it is so very hard when you lose your soul mate god bless Peter
Peter, I do hope you take care of yourself, that you do what will make you feel well. Things that helped me most were drinking a lot of water & exercising, esp walking. After being caregiver to my parents & husband, it was difficult for me to recognize my own needs. I was so used to putting them on the back burner. With the help of my children, I beginning to get it. I hope you'reable to connect with others. Socialization is so good for us, body, mind & spirit. Stay well & take one day at a time. Terri
Hi Peter, I'm glad you decided to join in. I'm jensmom. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know all too well the emptiness and anxiety it can bring. Yesterday was my oldest daughters 35 birthday. I lost her 3yrs ago in January. I have bad anxiety and panic attacks also. But, my pulmonologist put me on Xanax and it has made all the difference for me. I can function normally without being scared to death and causing my breathing to worsen. Its not for everybody but maybe you can talk to your Drs about helping you. I'm glad you quit smoking, it sucks I know lol. I failed 4x till I got it done. Ok, well I'm sorry for blabbering on, its nice to meet you.
Thank you for responding to my post firstly let me say how sorry I am to hear that you have lost your daughter I am 64 years old and nervous about using social media but I think that it could help speaking to people that have the same issues as I desperately trying to get onto pulmonary rehab I struggle with breathing techniques Peter
The breathing techniques will soon come natural if you practice them enough. They were hard for me also. I'm stage 4 severe emphysema. My Dr never said a word to me about copd until it was full blown. Then sent me to pulmonologist. That's been 4yrs ago. I was lucky that I had never been hospitalized until February. I ended up in icu with a ventilator for 5days with pneumonia and sepsis. Now I stay on high alert lol. Its scary. Talk to your pulmonologist about your anxieties and concerns, they really can help. But if your not feeling so sure, get a second opinion if they don't listen. I'm grateful for everyone here, It helps a great deal to talk to ppl who know
Hi Peter, so sorry for your lost of partner in life. Panic is really a set back with COPD,,it so just makes it worse.
I suffered severe panic as I live remote, my partner is a fisherman so he's gone 8 months of the year. Being alone so much my mind would create all these false senarios then,,,instant panic. I took the steps to make myself as safe as possible, to just fight the panic,,, sit, breathe, calm,,think of beautiful times . Then start again.
Our condition sucks !! But letting the mind run and have it's way makes it worse.
I hope you can fill your mind with happy times with your partner & try to get a hold of the panic.
My motto is " I'm very healthy and physically fit,,,I just have COPD as well".
Love and light to you !
Hi peter, welcome to the group. Sorry about your wife. When I start worrying too much, I sit down and concentrate on my breathing. It works pretty quickly and helps with the copd. For me, it’s the long complete exhale that seems to trigger relaxation. Perhaps someone here could go into details about the breathing techniques. The only one I know is breath in and out. That’s a joke, but true. Don’t be concerned about your writing, it’s fine, better than many. I have a question, why don’t you have to ask where we live? I think I must be missing something. Once again, welcome and good health to you.
I think that it is nice to know where people are from
Also worried about sending posts when people might be sleeping
I live in California, it’s a bit after 2:00 in the morning, but I had a nice nap this evening after my martial arts class. I’m 70, so that’s about all I do now. Well, that and the dishes and vacuuming.
I thought it said somewhere here, where we live.
Hi Peter, you've absolutely done the right thing in entering this forum; a bit of a newbie myself, I'm already grateful for helpful advice and encouragement. As for being new to Social media, the best way to learn is to have a go... someone will always put you right if you get it wrong. I don't post a lot, but look forward to seeing you grow in confidence and making new friends... your wife would be proud of you!
Hello Duff, I'm just a bit younger n living alone. I packed in Smoking 15 years ago. N it does take some Months to clear your Lungs. They do clear though and it is worth it. I have COPD too.n it can be a bit scary alone. You will get used to it, like everything, it takes time. Keep your Chin up. Best of luck. 😊🌻✌️
Do you think the breathless part will get easier as i have smoked for a lot of years to ashamed to say how many have had to give up my job awaiting course on pulmonary rehab
I do think it will get better duff, or at least no worse. The pulmonary rehabilitation sounds great, I've not been offered it. Think positive, if you can, I find it helps. I also, find Tai-chi very helpful with the breathing too. As it helps you to control it. I'd recommend it. 😊✌️🌻

Thank you for the video everybody is so kind and helpful to this newbie
I can totally relate to what you're saying and feeling...it's a scary diagnosis to get and worse so when you're alone. I've had issues with panic and anxiety for years before being diagnosed with COPD...cigarettes were my "go to" when stressed, so it was difficult to add quitting to the stress. And when I get stressed, I have breathing issues much like those caused by COPD....try to distract yourself with other things, I've found that if I can do that, my breathing gets better...best of luck to you and know you're not alone!!