Hi. I just joined this great forum yesterday. People are very generous with information. Thank you.
I began developing my non-toxic health protocol in May May 2016. It has not yet achieved the results I had hoped for on my lab work. But my feelings of health, wellness, strength, stamina and happiness have improved remarkably. And my lymphoma symptoms (B symptoms), which had me bed-ridden, disappeared entirely in just one month, and have stayed gone.
This is the list of daily "minimums" I aim for. But I don't beat myself up if I don't achieve all in one day. Rather, I am thankful for what I have accomplished in self-care each day. My list is changing all the time. A month from now, it will look a little different. I am in a relationship/dialogue with my body. Some things on my list are specific to my anemia (the iron, B12 & daily meat) so may not be appropriate for other people whose ferritin levels are ok. I source all foods from organic, non-GMO sources. My meat is all local, free-range, grass-fed, antibiotic & hormone-free. I try to roast an organic chicken or duck weekly, then make bone broth with carcass & bones as base for soup. Bone broth is dense with healthy bone minerals, marrow, gelatin. The final category (Mental & Emotional) is actually the linchpin to my "program". The rest is useful but not effective without the final category.
Floravit Iron
B-complex (if no insomnia)
Lecithin (if no insomnia)
1 Juice from juicer (carrot/beet/apple)
1 Smoothie in blender
Golden Milk (1 tsp Golden Paste)
Reduce/eliminate sugar
Reduce/eliminate white flour
Eat 50% raw
Bone broth (make weekly)
Kefir & Yogurt (for gut health)
Water (8 cps)
1 Sardine
Danyus & strength training
30-60 min. brisk walk
Microcosmic breath work & meditation while walking
Exercise bike
Dry-brush body & bathe
Healing Sounds Qigong
Bone Breathing/Bone Marrow NeiGong
Magnesium Chloride Detox Foot Bath
Stay positive & confident
Occupy Epic Joy
Send Love within & without
Be thankful ☺
“3 things I’m grateful for”
Cultivate Self-love
Cultivate Gratitude 24/7
Banish Anger (“Hold Horse At Cliff”)