HealthUnlocked enables you to include background information in your personal profile and to personalise your profile picture/avatar image (the image that appears in the top menu right and against your posts, questions and replies). You can easily access someone else's profile by selecting their profile picture or their username to learn what they have shared. You can even include hyperlinks in your profile, so if you have your own website, blog site or even a Youtube video you wish to share, this is how you do it! See:
Whether or not you edit your profile is of course a very personal matter. You may wish to maintain your anonymity and there are good reasons for having this position. However, even if you are not comfortable with sharing all the requested information, you may wish to customise your profile picture and possibly share a little bit more about yourself, such as the country you live in and any previous treatment history with CLL, given that this information helps others to provide more useful responses to your questions.
Editing your bio
Just select the text field below your profile background picture and type. Select 'Save changes' when done.
This site also enables you to enter some information for use only by HealthUnlocked, so they can eventually provide customised services for you (i.e. Gender, Birthday, Country, Postal location code and Ethnicity). Other than post code (always hidden), each of these fields has a tick box to set these fields to private if you don't want other members to see this information.
If you've decided to update your profile (or just wish to check what's already there), access your profile page by selecting your avatar image on the right of the top menu, then select 'Profile', or select this link:
Updating your Profile Picture and banner (not supported on tablets and smartphones)
If you have not disclosed your condition widely, to maintain your anonymity, I recommend you do not upload a personal photo.
Note the recommended dimensions;
- For an avatar - 100x100px
- For a banner image - 1170x114px
Editing your profile picture image (avatar) beforehand, aiming for a square image under 200 kbytes will speed the uploading process, but is not necessary. If you aren't comfortable with using picture editing software, you might find it easier to use a digital camera or mobile phone and reduce the photo resolution before photographing something you'd like to use for your profile picture. There are plenty of apps you can use to reduce your image size, etc., and I've covered the process of using a very good (free) open source application that works on Apple, Microsoft and Linux computers here:
Once you've chosen a suitable picture and have it saved on a computer or laptop, select '+Add avatar', then navigate to your chosen picture then select it. After a few seconds your new avatar is displayed and you can 'Cancel' or select and move your image around to centre it before selecting 'Save'.
Use the same process to update your banner, by selecting '+Add banner', but bear in mind that panoramic view dimensions will work best.
Editing my 'Medical conditions and associated treatments' and my 'Other health interests'
I'll explain the process with 'Medical conditions and associated treatments'. Because these fields can only contain predefined entries, you can't type in and save any old text. What you type in will match against predefined entries. The majority of us would have B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and some of us Small cell lymphocytic lymphoma. You will need to type in sufficient letters to match the condition you are searching for. If you don't type in enough letters, the condition you are searching for may not appear in the suggested list. Select the condition you wish to add, complete the diagnosis date and treatment information and then either 'Add another condition:' or select 'Done'. You can delete a condition by selecting the 'x' to the right of the condition or select 'Edit' to make further changes. Select 'Hide from other members' if you don't want other members to know about this condition.
The process for adding health interests is similar, by selecting '+Add interests'.
As you complete more of your profile fields, you'll be informed what percentage of your profile you've completed.
How to navigate HealthUnlocked is described here:
I hope this has been helpful; I'll be looking forward to seeing some more custom profile pictures if nothing else!
The accompanying picture shows a creek flowing near dusk - hence the trails left by the foam drifting with the flow due to the long exposure time.
Last updated 9th August 2020