A long time between posts. I’m going to brief when it should be long. After reporting on good bone marrow and blood results from 100-180 days out, GI issues continued to be an issue. Colonoscopies, tests and scans finally revealed low grade GvHD and a virus CMV. Unfortunately, some of the scans gave some concerns about possible lymph node growth. Late February into March lit up like a light bulb with another Ct scan and two PET scans! Needle biopsy (March ,3) confirmed my Richters is back. Stubborn little cancer and nasty!
This past Friday had an Obinituazamab infusion. Tomorrow I have my first Glofitimab infusion with admission into the hospital for 24 hour observation for likely side effects. Next week the same. Then every 3 weeks after that for a twelve week cycle.
My Dr. was quite frank in using words like dire, severe and unknown how much time!
The GI issues (GraftVs HostDisease) complicate any opportunities of being able to use boosters from my donor to fight this thing. Ironically, my bone Marrow and blood numbers are great. I’m guessing the maturity of the cells just didn’t provide enough cancer fighting ability to keep things suppressed or killed. Hopefully the Glofitimab will, 20% chance. But mostly extra time, no remission evidence.