has anyone had problems claiming benef... - British Liver Trust
has anyone had problems claiming benefits with chirrosis

What benefits are you trying I get contribution based ESA, based on Unavailable to work due to ALD. Got medical assesment next week. Had several run ins...maybe abe to help
My partner gets PIP at the moment, not bothered with ESA as I think because I work full time he won't get it? He is too sick to work. Getting PIP was a challenge and it is a complete nightmare getting anything. Caused so much stress. When you are ill you really don't need the ag. Dreading the next time we have to go through it and if he doesn't get it we will be in dire straits financially on one wage.
hi bigplanet,the reason why i ask is because i already get esa and i was placed in the work activity group,which means you have to go to interviews regulary which i am not well enough to do.i just want people with this condition to know that when making a new claim make sure you are placed in the support group as you don,t have to go through all the interviews they put upon you.if they turn you down for the support group then i would appeal.as i was to ill to understand at the time i am now lumbered with these meetings.
Appeal against work group ASAP - if you are quite unwell with your cirrhosis then you should be able to claim Disabled Living Allowance - due to fatigue and confusion (if this is what you are experiencing) - my husband is very ill with his hcv and cirrhosis - he was on treatment for hcv and they placed him in work related activity group and we have appealed against this as he is now not able to get out of bed - good luck x
hep.c is covered by by definition of a diability in the DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ACT .(DDA)
James Henshall
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I have hep c not lead to cirrhosis yet I have been getting incapacity benefit now need to fill a form for support allowance I have depression and osteoarthritis as well as other ailments would I qualify for support allowance with hepc worried because of all the the bad reports about atos
speak to the hep,c trust , .org

I have hep c which I am being treated food and depression I have been informed today I failed my work capability assessment and have had my esa claim stopped I have got to wait for a mandatory then appeal to tribunals I am so annoyed as I got 0points beentold the only way I will get an income is to go on jsa you have to be fit for work to claim jsa so I'm in a catch 22
Definitely go through the appeals process, fight it every step of the way. Get medical reports from your doctors as to why you are unfit for work. You need to list your symptoms and why these make it impossible for you to work. As I say fight every step of the way. My hubby got zero points for PIP - at the point he was being listed for transplant and started treatment for HE. At appeal he got enhanced daily living and even some points for mobility. I know that it's ESA and not PIP you've applied for but same goes. Fight it all the way, they are hoping you'll back out but how can you when the alternative is JSA when you arn't fit for work.
All the best to you, Katie
Dwp have told me that I won't get no money or rent while they are looking at my claim again which is a mandatory decision this can take a month so I'm other words I have no money to live on the only way I can claim is going on JSA but was told by job centre I have to be fit to work to claim this which I'm not it's wrong I went for a work capability assessment 3 years ago was put in support group on esa I answered the questions the same this time and got zero points how this can be I do not know of anything my hep c symptoms are worse as I am being treated for hep c this treatment causes stress amd depression I'm at my wits end sorry to go on
The Hep C trust should be able to help you prove your case, on their forum there were numerous threads about the Hep C treatment and they were stepping in with DWP to argue cases. In the interim you are not allowed to be left with zero income and I have read somewhere recently but can't currently lay my hands on it that your council will have some sort of Zero Income benefit which people in your circumstances can get. I would visit your local council ask for benefits department or welfare rights officer and they should give you financial aid. It is crazy that they can say you are better now than previously when your condition is a worsening one and the Hep C treatment itself is so debilitating.
Wishing you the very best of luck.
Thank you for replying to my post I have been into the local council after the job centre told me to tell the council that I am now on nil income apparently my rent will still get paid I was told that I can apply for a crisis loan or grant to help pay my bills until I can claim JSA I don't want to claim JSA as I am not fit enough to work but atos are saying I am fit I have just received the information that the health professional wrote about me at the medical the things he has said are not what I said at the assessment I don't know how they can lie or twist people's words he's basically called me a liar and given me zero points I was trying to stop smoking dr at hep c clinical advised me not to stop smoking until treatment is finished as it's stressful enough imagine the stress in in now with atos
Fight the ESA claim right to the end, contact the Hep C trust and see if they can help with the mandatory reconsideration process, go to your MP if need be. These zero points decisions and down right lies written on so called 'medical reports' are common and blooming disgraceful when you have a genuinely poorly person. As I say we had the same with hubbies PIP - zero points, won at appeal, money backdated to application date.
Don't let the b******s get you down, fight it all the way even though you don't feel like it. Citizens Advice Bureau or Council Welfare Rights Officer will help you with the appeal process.
I'm going to appeal but this mandatory decision is not going to go in my favour when I got zero points it's a disgrace that dwp can take upto 1 month to d a mandatory decision while they are doing this your only choice for income is to go on jsa when I'm not fit to look for work but I have to be fit to claim it your right they ar lying b******s these so called health professionals how can a nurse go against what a gp said is unbelievable
Hi steve. I dont think bulmers cirrhosis was caused by Hep C (though Bulmer will correct me if I'm srong), I think it was caused by alcohol so the Hep C advice wont be relevant?
I've got Hep C and cirrhosis and I suffer from depression. I used to get incapacity benefit but was reassessed when the brought in ESA, I didn't get enough points even though I'm due to start triple therapy for the Hep C very soon (the treatment can be very gruelling, lots of unpleasant side effects) I'm in the process of waiting for a court tribunal. Until then I'm on a reduced rate of benefit and that's if I win the appeal. Its a nightmare I feel like I'm a scrounger but I really am ill and I'm going to feel worse soon.
speak to the hep,c trust ,
Hi Poppington. You might like to join Hep C Nomads hepcnomads.co.uk/phpBB3/ind... which is an online support forum. They have a number of members going through triple therapy and there is lot of support and useful tips for coping with side effects as and when they arrive, as you are right, the triple can be tough.
Hello, glad I have found somewhere to ask this have been found medically unfit for JSA so have to apply for ESA having tests for this and that due to raised LFT's and awaiting gall bladder surgery too. I'm an ex alcoholic and have had many panic attacks recently. What does ESA entail?
ESA - Employement Support Allowance comes in two types, Income based and Contribution based (NI amount you have gained), I can't talk knowledgable about Income based too much. I applied over the phone and was a reasonably simple question session, with limited medical probing apart from medical notes being sent in on a regular basis, I was awarded ESA Contribution based due to the amount of NI credits I have earned. It was back dated to my initial unable to work status, minus 3 days self certification. I am self employed btw). My doctors have been supportive on doing my medical notes without any issue. I have now been on this allowance for 3 months and I now have to go to Medical Assement meeting and had to complete a quiet detailed medical questionnaire and return it back to ATOS/DWP. Awaiting the outcome of this meeting, the doctor has now signed me off for a further 3 months with Liver Disease, was every 2 weeks, with a comment of post hospital recovery, legthagy, etc.
ESA on ontribution pays out £70 p/w with no additional benefits, whilst Income based gives you prescription, dental and other support and allowances. Not sure why? That's my experience to date, I await there decision In the meantime I continue to use my life savings.
I understand that might have to attend some sort of group meetings on a regular basis, Bulmer and other might have that answer as well.
Sorry to hear you are having problems, I had no problems getting benefits, my nurse in hepathology helped me, maybe your nurse or someone from your hospital can help if you ask them.
Benefit Enquiry Line phone number is 0800882200
I hope this might help you.
Also when you fill in the forms for DLA always put how you are on your worst days.
You need DLA1 form.
I have had problems for the past two years claiming esa with hep c every time I get seen by atos I never get enough points I even appealed last year and lost the appeal I have applied again as I'm waiting treatment but I know I have failed my capability examination with atos I think its disgraceful as I cannot work I am feeling ill and tired on a daily basis im going to take legal action this time.
Hi millymo
Apart from benefits which I to am having problems with have cirrohiss, COPD, type 2 Diabetes, and portal hypertension, live alone, now have to have a shoulder replacement, I sound as if I'm falling to bits but really if you saw me you would not think there was anything wrong with me at all, I am also under a heptologist in London, how do you get a nurse to help with things, I don't know who do go to, hop you are well. Annette