hi this may be mote if a kidney group question than the than liver, but i am post-liver transplant 22 months but unfortunately sustained some kidney damage, i am left with a symptom of skin itching all over. i wonder how common this is, what causes it and if there is anything effective to stop it. the danger for me is i scratch too hard and get an infection which i can't deal with because of immunosuppression. thanks for any insights.
Itch and spots post liver transplant - British Liver Trust
Itch and spots post liver transplant

I have AIH and autoimmune liver disease, I’m in a flare at the moment and get so itchy on my feet, legs and sometimes back. I was told I can take antihistamine but generally if it’s on my feet I use Eurax cream, and yes I do scratch the skin off, vicious cycle really.
Hi I am nearly 12 months post transplant but have itched since day one. I was put back on ursodeoxycholic acid tablets which I took pre-transplant and they have definitely helped. Liver function is excellent so bit of a mystery why still itch. There was always a question mark though over whether PBC played a part in cirrhosis so if did will help with that with new liver and slow it down. Hope you find something to relieve it as it can be unbearable
Hi, I'm 6 years post transplant, my kidneys were badly damaged within weeks of my transplant due to tacrolimus and valganciclovir, currently have 40% kidney function but stable, I never itched pre transplant but have ever since, doctors just say it's due to meds and prescribed me citirizine an antihistamine, it helps a bit.If you use Facebook please feel free to join our friendly and knowledgeable Facebook group called liver transplant support uk, thousands of people that have been in your situation.
Hilary xx
If you search for liver transplant support uk, ask to join and answer the questions.
Hi . I'm 17 years post liver TX, 10 years post PTLD, and recently diagnosed CKD 3. About 12 months ago I had an intermittent itch at ankle level on one leg just at the level of the top of my sock. Once I started scratching, it was very hard to stop and the skin became broken. I tried a moisturiser which was quite effective at stopping the itch but not healing the skin. I was on an extended holiday so did not have ready access to a GP. When I returned from the holiday my GP prescribed a 1% hydrocortisone cream in combination with a moisturiser. This calmed things down but you are supposed only to use the cream for 7 days. A few days after stopping the hydrocortisone, the itch was back. I tried a couple of cycles of the treatment but without any cure. My skin was quite, broken and bloody and my temperature soared to 39.7. I was away from home and got taken to hospital where after tests I was told I had an invasive Strep infection. This was treated with intravenous and oral antibiotics over 5 days in hospital. I saw a different GP when I got home , who said I had Eczema and prescribed Betnovate and Dermol lotion daily over 3 weeks and for 3 further weekends only. So far the itch has not come back but my skin is still a little red but not broken.
Sorry this is such a long tale, but other people's replies have got me thinking this could be TX related. When I next see a specialist I shall have to bring it up. At the end of the day, Betnovate oitment has been much more effective than hydocortisone for me. It may also be more effective for others and I suggest that if you are still having problems that you ask your GP about any advantages or disadvantages.