Hi all
I am after some advice. I was seriously ill in March 2013 when I started violently vomiting blood it was variances they banded them. Then 3 weeks later it happened again with the same outcome. The 3rd time I cannot remember (thank god)but was found on living room floor I had lost about half of my bodies blood. Apparently it took 2 paramedic teams and a doctor to revive me I was then put into a induced coma.
It looked really bleak for me but I pulled through and had a TIPS procedure carried out while in a comatose state. I have not touched alcohol since except for 4 points in a week on holiday last September. My liver has improved by 15% my consultant told me. But the episode has left me with other medical problems. Brain damage due to oxygen deficiency and diabetes which the doctors think was caused by damage to my pancreas.
So my question is am I eligible for a liver transplant. If anyone could advise me I would be very grateful