My consultant said don’t eat 2 hours before AND 1 hour after taking Adoport, making 3 hours without food altogether. I’ve just picked up my new supply and noticed a sticker saying 2 hours after food OR an hour before. Has the advise changed or was I told wrong in the first place? As I’m diabetic it can be problematic going 3 hours without food. Thanks in advance.
Confused: My consultant said don’t eat... - British Liver Trust

We checked this after hubbies transplant and were told by dietician and pharmacist that it didn't matter too much. Hubby takes his at 10am and 10pm - 10am one ends up not long after breakfast. Dietician said hubby can not go 6 hours a day not eating. (He too is diabetic).
I was back at work full time 3 months post transplant. I wouldn't have had the time for that level of faffing about. I take it straight away in the morning and then when I can, early evening. ( often straight after food)This has had zero negative impact and my consultants seem fine with it. (2 and a half years post transplant) I guess there are the " ideal" circumstances to take it and then reality! Regularity is key .
Thanks for the replies. I thought they weren’t that strict over times when I was in hospital post transplant, the nurses are too busy to faff about getting the timing spot on.