I did a blood test and found that my gamma glutamyl transferase 58. The normal according to the lab is 40. I don't drink or smoke. Shall i be worried or it s a slight difference. I'm a female 39years old. I got stressed after reading some info in goolgle like cancer or serious disease or even breast cancer! The only appointment I could get is after few days and waiting is killing me. Thxx
My GGT is 58 : I did a blood test and... - British Liver Trust
My GGT is 58

Don't google symptoms, you can read anything into it and you'll convince yourself you will be dead within 6 months. Wait for your appointment, its only a few days. Stop panicking please.
Hi there
Please don’t get so anxious when you don’t know the cause as yet. Just to reassure you, my GGTs are regularly between 800 and 1600.
What is the reason that your ggt is that high ?
I wrote a long answer to you on this, fell asleep whilst doing so and managed to lose the lot. Sorry. Can’t remember what I said now xxxxx
Insulin resistance and pre diabetes can elevate GGT as well
There are several things that can raise GGT level including different medications, conditions, etc. please try not to panic.
As the others say don't worry too much. That figure you mention is a very mild elevation. A lot of gps wouldn't remark on that in isolation. I had levels in the 100s which initially didn't show up in ultrasound. Why are you having your ggt checked?