just received my general screen today and found out that my ggt is 172, very high compare to reference value of <50, i normally take alcohol during weekend or once a week, what that mean?. i'm 1.64m tall with 85kg weight (obese). does it means that i have a liver problem?.
MY GGT READING 172: just received my... - British Liver Trust

Could be a liver problem, or meds you are taking. It needs checking. Certain liver problems can give a high GGT reading. Alcohol can cause this but usually very heavy drinking
Good Luck
It could be any number of things, GGT is quite a sensitive marker, any many causes may not be so worrisome. It's worth getting a follow up test with your GP and take it from there.
Hi and welcome to the forum,
Unfortunately, no one on the forum is medically qualified to interpret your test results. We would suggest you discuss them with your own doctors who are best placed to safely advise you.
It would be usual practice for the GP to repeat the bloods and perhaps send you for an ultrasound scan to obtain more clinical information.
Here is a link to our publication 'Liver disease tests explained' that may be of general help to read prior to speaking with your own doctor:
Best wishes
As mentioned, please discuss with your doctor. My GGT was also high but the doctor's said that all other liver markers were normal, did an ultra-sound, asked if I had been a heavy drinker (not at all!) and said not to worry about the GGT so much.
I did get retested a few weeks later and had watched what I ate and drank for a few weeks beforehand; the score came down a little, but not very much.
Anyhow, I'm still at loss of what might have been causing the elevated GGT score. The only other thing that I thought might be contributing to a high GGT was my sleep apnea. I use a CPAP regularly now and my GGT is much more in the normal range. I can't think think of any other lifestyle habit I've changed -- besides using the CPAP -- since I had an elevated GGT nearly 8 years ago....
Hi and welcome. When I had my first ggt test it was 180 but I did have a bottle of wine the night before lol. However I did go on the wagon for a few months- it took ages to get down to about 160 . I was overweight as well. That combination is not good. It could be fatty liver, could also be gallstones.do you have symptoms?