Hello everyone.
Quick bio. Diagnosed advanced ALD last summer (severely decompensated with gross ascites and small varices) was very ill but not hospitalised. Had already stopped drinking as I knew that was the problem. Have been improving steadily over this time but fell off the wagon when my mother became very ill, then died last month, made worse by lockdown. Now on the wagon again and organised bloods this week to see what damage I had done.
Bloods are generally much better than I deserve, even bilirubin is OK but.... GGT is still horribly high. I am just wondering if I can ever get the GGT into good levels considering that the damage is already done? It was a horrific 876 (normal is under 36) It has had a constant downward trajectory since and is now 240
What is realistic for someone with ALD or what are other people's "normal" levels with ALD?
Thanks all, Wendy