Hello,I'm new to this incredible site, I'm 43 year old male, not over weight and I've had a ultra sound and it shows that I have a fatty liver. My blood test usually show a high ggt anywhere from 87-108, the limit is 75, also my ast and alt were elevated a couple of times, and my lymphocytes show low most of the time, 0.7-1.0 my last blood test had a ggt of 88 and the rest where fine except my lymphocytes were low 0.7. The last year I've been feeling really tired, I have a lot of stuff going on with my spine, I had neck surgery and I'm going for back surgery. I'm always in a lot of pain and don't feel up to doing much. I do like to have some drinks but I don't indulge how I use to, I might have a couple of beers during the week and then on a weekend I might have 4-6 beers. I'm on pain meds, icy and Percocet. I also take sulfsalazine for a test for autoimmune disease that my RA Doctor wants me to try, to see if my aches and pains, flare ups settle. Also I have high blood pressure, I've been taking meds for 8 years now, my bp is still around 140/85, I also have bundle branch block. I also have peripheral neorapathy in my legs, probably cause from my back issues My doctor thinks my ggt is high from the drinking, I'm thinking its a combo of meds and alcohol and also I use to have 4 beer a night or more 5 days a week for a couple of years. I also see that my cholesterol levels are creaping up. I eat a fairly good diet, I go like sweets though.
My question is, has anyone had meds cause problems with high ggt or blood pressure or some other heart disease?
Thank you