Morning all,
So despite being two months after the target date, my second post-hospital consultation is on Thursday and I’m getting into a flap (in a fear of stage fright way) about having everything I need on my list - most of us know how precious these appointments are and I really, really don’t want to be kicking myself after! I was admitted in March, in hospital for 9 days, and diagnosed with liver disease.
I know I’ve had ages and I don’t for a second think anyone has a checklist and of course we are all different, at different stages with different things (and none of us - that I know of - are doctors!), I just wondered if anyone had time to have a glance at what I’m asking and whether I’ve missed anything glaringly obvious. Understand if not.
Here goes....
1. Bloods - any changes, positive or negative and what any either way might be attributed to
2. Muscle mass - seems to go a bit up and down despite eating well
3. Do I just keep doing what I’m doing (taking thiamine and vitamin B and when I need it, the spiro diuretic) or is there anything else I could be doing?
4. Pain relief...a BIG one. I wake up every day in agony with extremely painful joints especially fingers and shoulders and knees, which continues throughout the day and gets worse again at night. Am up during the night, also every night using a tens machine, deep heat, hot water on joints when extreme - is this a cross I have to bear or is there less harmful but more effective pain relief than two lots of paracetamol a day?
5. Is it normal for light nose/gum bleeds to come and go?
I can’t think of anything else and I’m not looking for answers to the above, just whether there’s a key question or two that has escaped me - entirely possible! There’s so many of you on here who have been through the same thing with far better knowledge and experience than me that I’d be really grateful for any pointers however obvious they may seem. I’m getting quite nervous 😟
He’s actually quite nice my consultant - yet efficient bordering on impatient and I always feel like the Countdown timer is going (I’ve seen him a few times when I was in hospital too!).
Will write down, take a pad and a friend if my partner can’t make it...
Thanks so much and hope the week is as good as it can be for you all.
Beth 😎😬😎