Well it’s been a little over six months since my transplant. My new gifted liver is doing great, I’m now on very little immunosuppressants.
I’m now on my 7th of 8 cycles of chemotherapy. For the most part it’s been ok, I’ve not experienced the worst of side effects that I know some have. The worst has been my feet which have blistered and cracked and basically just slothed off the skin on my soles.
So I’m midway through this cycle, get a week off and then just two more weeks to do. After that I’ll get a scan done, hopefully all will be good and I’ll just go into a monitoring stage. If not it’ll be a new round of a different chemo. All good fun.
Oh and I’ve now got two incisional hernias from the transplant. Herbert and Henrietta. Trust me they don’t like it if you sneeze.
Life is good. I’m officially retired now, work has medically retired me. So I’ll be looking at maybe fishing or setting up a train set in the garage any day now.
I hope everyone else is well, or at the very least as well as can be.
All those waiting for their gift, stay strong, it’ll come when the time is right. Which for some reason always seems to be in the wee small hours.