Hi Everyone,
While I’m still trying to figure out what stage my liver is at (waiting on scheduling) I unfortunately had a recent attack of diverticulitis. For those who don’t know what that is, it is pretty much small pouches in your intestines that get inflamed and cause infection. Yeah, pretty painful!
Luckily it was not complicated and some antibiotics got me pretty much at 100% again! My question is this; during my hospital visit, they took bloods and a cat scan. Bloods were normal ast and asl normal etc. Also cat scan just showed the obvious diverticulitis and “diffuse fatty liver”. Can this mean I’m still not at cirrhosis level?
Should I feel a bit relieved? I’ve been stressing out trying to get my health together and tests done to finally know where my liver stands as a couple of years ago my fibro scan showed F3 but never followed through and fell “off the wagon” for a bit health wise. Thank you all in adavnce!