Excited or not???? I was wide awake at 5am!!!I have 3 knitting projects on the go, a black jumper which is somewhat boring, a hat, and a fairisle jumper that is possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, so I finished the hat this morning as I sat in bed drinking tea!
Anyway....this isn't about knitting π€£π€£π€£.
Eventually the hat was finished, a couple of mugs of tea were drunk and 9am had arrived so I dressed and set off, I went along the alley that led to the track, that didn't bring me out at the bridge by the garage.....how strange.....I had started doing one minute run one minute walk intervals....soon gave that up, got puffed out quite quickly so trotted on slowly until my breathing was under control, ignoring the buzz of the watch telling me to run or walk .
How do you get lost in the same place???? In the bottom right photo if you scroll in you can see that flipping church again, I love the churches round here, they are so beautiful and there are lots of them but that one means I'm not where I expected to be! Well at least I know the way home, but I wanted to go along the seafront today....and I did, and as soon as I got there I realised I'd gone the wrong way round, all these months there's been a north east wind that should have blown me home, today the wind was briskly coming from the south east and slowed me right down, half way along the seafront I'd had enough, so up the slope I went and headed inland, finding the alley track home π.
According to Garmin 5k took 52 mins 13 seconds, that's my best time since I don't know when, possibly a year so I'm happy with that . Strava states that moving time was 51.29 so the photos cost me a minute but I don't care.
Have fun and run happy or rest well