Back from holiday after plenty of walking in the first week. Didn’t manage another run by the sea due to breaking my toe😢typically by stubbing it on the end of the bed in the middle of the night Thought it was ok but by the morning it was black and blue and swollen making even walking sore. So I’m now just waiting till it feels better. Still sore so I’m not too sure how long I need to leave it before trying a little run. Any advice gratefully received.
Broken toe!!!! Arghhh ☹️☹️☹️: Back from... - Bridge to 10K
Broken toe!!!! Arghhh ☹️☹️☹️

Ouch, that doesn't sound good at all, I think you'll need to wait til.swelling and bruising gone before you can run, but I'd also get it checked out by a doctor and maybe strapped up

Oh poor you Scruff55 ! Sending much sympathy your way. I did mine in much the same way and that was actually why I started running, I wanted to get fit after being off my feet for about six weeks. It’s worth looking at what the NHS says and seeking advice if you need to.
Hope your recovery is full and fast!

Ouch. I have had this on at least three occasions.
The first time I did visit to A and E, but they just check, make sure there is no problematic fracure...and suggest buddying it up to the next toe, as the swelling, (controlled, as with any bruise), goes down.
My left little toe has been damaged many times... poor thing!
As soon as the swelling goes and the pain, then you could try a gentle jogette... but make sure you are comfortable with that
Maybe just getting the walks in will be the best plan for you... those runs will wait!

Oh dear. Bedposts are dangerous beasts aren’t they???? Hope you mend soon.

Ouch! That must have been painful...
Sounds like a good plan to see your healthcare provider if there's no improvement.
Best of luck.

Oh no, is it your little toe? If so, I was told by the pharmacist that all that could be done is taping to the one next to it and being patient!
He said, if it's better in a couple of weeks or so it was a sprain, if it takes around 6 weeks it was a fracture!
Mine took 6 weeks but was much improved after about 3...I was only a walker at the time so not sure re running but I guess when it doesn't hurt to jog 🤷🏻♀️
Running disaster, remind yourself daily that patience is a virtue 😉