I’ve been promising myself a run all week but after my last run on Friday last week my heel was sore. I’m not sure what it is but it’s sore when I run. So I made sure I had my heel support in my new shoes and set off slowly. After about 15 minutes it started to hurt so I slowed to a walk or rather limp. After about 5 minutes it seemed to settle and I managed to trot home rather gingerly. However it’s still sore 3 hours later so I think I’ll be resting it over the weekend ☹️☹️☹️ There’s no swelling or redness but it’s tender when I move my ankle on the inside aspect of the ankle so any suggestions as to what it might be are welcome.
Finally managed to get a little run 🏃♀️ - Bridge to 10K
Finally managed to get a little run 🏃♀️

Gosh.. it could be so many things... Plantar fasciitis .. muscular issues. pressure problems.. ? You know we ain't medical experts, but if it does not ease,,, go and get it checked out by the experts?

Oh no! Poor you. That sounds utterly miserable, just sending buckets of sympathy your way and hoping it resolves with rest. It sounds like a trip to a medical person might be in order if not.
Yes that might be on the cards if I can get any medical interest from the surgery. Very difficult to get any response from a dr in this neck of the woods. So I suppose it’s might be a trip to a private physio ☹️🤔☹️🤔☹️
Our surgery the same !
It’s so hard. My GP surgery are brilliant with appointments but I know the referral times for NHS physio are awful locally. I paid privately to see someone about my knee pain. He’s been brilliant and I absolutely don’t regret spending that money. I could have just had a one off consultation to diagnose the problem and a plan for me to follow. I’ve ended up seeing him more but that one off would have been enough to get me on the right path to recovery.
Hopefully it won’t come to that for you. Really crossing my fingers here! 🤞

That's a shame, it's so frustrating when we are ready for a run then can't because of soreness somewhere