After my gentle start back to running I decided to do Wk 4 Run 4 of the plan today. A 35 minute recovery run sounded perfect. Not too far, not too fast. The sun was shining and the thermometer said 14C so I decided to brave my running vest. First time this year Good move, it was really warm out there.
The paths have dried out a lot in two days despite the fact it rained last night. Just a couple of muddy places, easy enough to avoid. The sun shone, Coach B more or less kept to the subject, couldn't have been much better. Lots of courteous dog walkers. It all felt very relaxed (though the HR numbers from Garmin tell a different story but let's ignore them )
I took a few detours along the route as otherwise I'd have had to run all the way to my front door to manage 35 minutes. When I finally pressed pause at the end it was really gratifying to find I'd covered exactly 4km. Not 4.01 or 3.99. 4.00 exactly. How often does that happen?
Not sure whether my next run will be the 8k long run the Plan suggests. It'll depend on my mood, the weather and probably some other things too, but at least I've ticked another one off the list and feel like I'm getting back to where I want to be.