After a brilliant January with adrienne's 30 day yoga and starting the nrc 10k plan, February has been a bit of a kick on the teeth. I had nearly three weeks off with a nasty chest cold and I've been coming back slowly with short recovery runs and plenty of rest days. Last week I tried to do 5k for my long run which had become pretty easy and I really struggled with the last 1k. The plan said to run 6k this week but I decided that would be to much right now. I know I can do 10k, eventually. I've done it before using the magic plan. This plan seems to me to build up distance quite quickly and I'm in no hurry. I want to get back to that feeling of 5k being my easy comfortable run. I'll get there!So today I did 3.5k which includes a long gentle uphill which contributed to getting negative splits. The sun was shining. I felt very slow and out of sorts for the first ten minutes. It's been ages since I had the toxic ten, literally years, but today there was just an echo of that until I got into my stride. But slowly I settled down. The sun shone. My breathing calmed. My legs felt fine. Now I'm sitting here with a cup of tea, looking through the window at the daffodils.
Happy Saint David's Day
Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus.