Good morning runners! I hope your all well,it's been a while since I've checked in. I'm currently laid in my hammock soaking in this glorious sunshine ☀️ thought I'd pop on with a bit of an update on what I've been up to. In truth not a lot! 🤣 Since covid jab 1 I've been pretty low on energy and only managing 1 or 2 5k runs a week and that's been a struggle. I got jab 2 on Friday morning and was expecting to feel awful again but I've been ok. Woke up early today and got the urge to run, first time I haven't had to force myself out in ages, I actually wanted to go! Couple of km warm up walk and some stretches and I was off! Shorts and t shirt for first time in ages, no running tights or headband. The sun felt amazing! My plan was 5k but I decided to push on as felt decent...tired but capable of keeping on! By the time if reached 8k I could have stopped but still felt I had some in reserve and pushed on for a first 10k in a long while! What turned out to be my 2nd fastest 10k ever 😁 no idea how as the last half felt slow 🤣
Felt so happy to reach the 10k again and more importantly to actually quite enjoy the run 💪🏻😁
I hope everybody having a great bank holiday weekend and that your runs go as well as mine 🤞🏻👍🏻👍🏻