Looking out of the window this morning there's no doubt it's autumn, is there? Puddles on the road, clouds in the sky, the only question was whether to have another coffee or...go for a run. No contest really
It didn't look like shorts and vest weather so I rummaged through my cold weather clothes, still packed away under the bed, and found my 3/4 leggings. It's been a while since I've worn those. Dithered between long or short sleeves then gave myself a reality check, obviously it's not cold, just gloomy. Then it was out into the fields, if it was too muddy we'd just find a different route.
Long story short, it wasn't that muddy at all. We soon warmed up and I realised shorts would probably have been fine. Even a short sprinkle of drizzle didn't dampen our enthusiasm.
The one thing that was a bit weird was the sound my leggings were making. I'm not sure what was rubbing against what but I realised that there was a regular squeak, in time with my cadence. It sounded just like the tinny noises you get when you sit next to someone on the train who has badly adjusted headphones and is listening to loud music. Funny how it isn't annoying when you're making the noise!
Nice little graphs on the Garmin Connect app too - cadence was more or less a straight orange line for the whole run, heart rate was steady and not too high, less than 2 minutes in the maximum zone. It's good to be home, running on the flat in the beautiful English countryside