Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and I hope Santa brings you all you wish for.
Many years ago with 4 little grands I used to run across the park, going slow so none of them were last, over time I had to try harder to keep up as they all grew long legs and ran faster.
Fast forward to today when the girl is home for Christmas and she agreed to come along the river with us.
Across the bridge, photos took, kiss Willow who was walking and off we go, chatting and running, she said maybe she'd take up running because it felt easy, she's tried a few home fitness videos and didn't enjoy them, then we sped up and in a laughing puffing heap dropped back to a walk,
Run walk, talk and look around, she said she misses the English countryside as she currently lives in Malaysia, birds singing accompany us, we turn back and a water vole runs across in front of us, she shows me photos of a huge lizard they saw in a park near where s lives
We run a bit walk a bit, and almost back, I say shall we have one last run? She passes, it's not so easy after a while she says
Back to the car and drop her home, . ... Now, finish cardigan, wrap presents, ice cakes, cook dinner for visitors, deliver presents and get to work by 9pm ๐ณ easy I think as I sit with my phone and a piece of toast .
Have a happy and peaceful few days everyone and if you run, run happy x