Medal hungry fool that I am these days, I came upon a 2 week old post by SlowLoris letting everyone know that there were still spaces left for the Virtually Salisbury 10....a 10 mile race gone virtual this year. Entry fee just £7.50, with a medal a tee shirt up for grabs.
Followed the link and signed up, only medium tee shirts left but hey ho. Having done this I had a 10 mile run hanging over me, which had to be completed before 31.12.20. Woke up early this morning as I’d intended on going out for a run.....but then had a crazy idea.....why not do the 10 mile one, get it done 🤔.
So 5am I headed out in the pitch dark, weather fine and feeling quite mild, chose the same route as my previous 10 miler, but hadn’t realised how badly lit it was, with three quarters of it having no street lamps 😬. Fortunately I had my chest torch on, which I’ve yet to charge since buying it, so was praying it didn’t let me down. Well, luckily for me it didn’t and the run itself although tougher than before went quite well. The last mile was a slog, but I eventually reached the magic 10 miles 😁
Headed home, shower, porridge and banana then off to work.....thankfully I’m paid from the neck up, although they didn’t get their monies worth today 😴😂.
Feeling pleased I got out there and got it done, but maybe stick to doing the next one on a weekend.
Happy Running Everyone! And a Merry Christmas !