Painful ankles: Physio says ankle tendinitis... - Bridge to 10K

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Painful ankles

Scobs profile image
28 Replies

Physio says ankle tendinitis, sports therapist says tight calves, but I’m still in pain with my ankles 2 months later. Even if I’m out grocery shopping for about hour and a half, my ankle swells, seems like there’s lots of free fluid around sides of it. The pain is really bad it hurts so much to walk on it.

Has anybody else had this problem?

If so will I ever be able to walk again pain free, never mind running a.t.m

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Scobs profile image
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28 Replies
UnfitNoMore profile image

Sorry to read this. Maybe lock your physio and sports therapist in a room together until they can agree what it is! They’ll get there and give you some exercises, but right now it’d be difficult to know where to safely start... rest it up.

Scobs profile image
Scobs in reply to UnfitNoMore

Thank you. Sounds about right 😊

Elisabeth3 profile image

So sorry to hear that your ankle doesn't improve.

What therapy do they suggest?

Have you tried home made poultice? I sometimes apply cabbage leaf and honey at night. The next day the swelling is better.

Scobs profile image
Scobs in reply to Elisabeth3

No I haven’t tried home made poultice. The only reason being is because the swelling isn’t there all the time, just after I’ve been standing on it , while cooking or out grocery shopping. The physio said tendonitis, but then he left and the second one hasn’t said anything. The sports therapist say it’s tight calve muscles that’s causing the problem. Tbh. I’m not sure what’s going on, I just wish they would find out exactly .

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Graduate10 in reply to Scobs

Hm, why would your ankle swell from tight calves?

What did you try to ease the pain so far?

You can Google cabbage poultice, how it helps, etc.

I hope you will feel better soon.

Scobs profile image
Scobs in reply to Elisabeth3

Thank you. I’ve just been taking ibuprofen.

Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Graduate10 in reply to Scobs

And the physio said ibuprofen is enough???

Scobs profile image
Scobs in reply to Elisabeth3


Elisabeth3 profile image
Elisabeth3Graduate10 in reply to Scobs

They may suggest additional treatment / medication next time.

They know better what to do, I am just speculating.

Is arthroscopy still considered?

Scobs profile image
Scobs in reply to Elisabeth3

I’m going down the route of acupuncture first, see if that works. Then if that doesn’t when they send for me I might have to have it done. But I’ve heard such bad things about it

I’m having second session of acupuncture on Friday. He’s also going to tape my knee for me as well

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Scobs, my physio told me that as the Achilles tendon and the calf are joined the tendinitis is causing the pain in both places on my leg. It's the same injury he said. From treating my ankle my calf muscles are more relaxed and not 'tight'..

Are you still icing your calf a couple of times a day with your leg high up and straight supported with pillows with you lying down? I know you have issues with torn knee tissue as well, so only do what they recommend and is comfortable though.

A first exercise I was given was lying down and briskly pointing and flexing my feet several times. A second one was using a folded towel as a band, and placing it around the ball of the foot while sitting on the bed with your legs out in front of you. GENTLY pull on the ends of the towel and hold this for15 seconds which causes a gentle stretch on the Achilles tendon.

I'm not better yet, but I am getting stronger. I can stand on tip toes on my bad ankle on one leg now and standing on my bad leg and catching a ball ( or closing my eyes) is becoming easier.

Your acupuncturist seems to think your injuries can be fixed without surgery, I hope this is the case and hope you begin to feel more comfortable. The swelling would be helped by the icing and elevating (high) I think.

Do keep us updated with how you are doing. It's not much fun on the IC.

Good luck and keep your chin up, I understand how being in constant pain can bring you down though.😚xx

Scobs profile image

Thank you. No the physio hasn’t given me any of these exercises to do. He just said sit down on chair and lift my ankles up to ceiling while keeping my toes on the floor. But also put some pressure on my knees.

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Scobs

just tried that and could only feel it in my glutes... nothing in the ankle or knee or calf area. Are you being seen again soon? xx

Scobs profile image
Scobs in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Yes sports therapy for hour on Friday fir him to start on my knee and physio 6th November 😞

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Scobs

Hi Scobs, I hope your treatment went well today...

Sending healing vibes...😙xx

Chris141 profile image

You need to keep pestering your GP and physio until they work out what is causing it and come up with a treatment plan! Don’t let them fob you off!

Scobs profile image
Scobs in reply to Chris141

Thank you I’m tending to agree with you somewhat

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate10 in reply to Scobs

Maybe you need an X-ray

Scobs profile image
Scobs in reply to Tasha99

Because I’m being fobbed off all the time, I’m getting a private X-ray on Monday. Not holding out much hope but at least I can rule out break or arthritis

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate10 in reply to Scobs

Good luck 🤞🏽

Scobs profile image
Scobs in reply to Tasha99

Thank you

Bluebirdrunner profile image

How are you doing Scobs? Is your treatment helping/giving you some relief. It seems these injuries can take months rather than weeks to recover from.

Hope you are ok. xxx

Scobs profile image

Thank goodness you got in touch I couldn’t remember your full name. The numbers. So I’ve completely had enough. It’s so glad that you’ve said that. I’ve convinced myself that it would be better in two- four weeks time. Then last week physio man said walk as much as possible. Big mistake. I went to my local couch to 5k to walk and a lady coming back from injury walked with me. Wow she is a marathon runner so even walking super fast killed me. Back on acupuncture/ sports massage table next day. He said my other knee and ankles puffy, I shouldn’t have walked so fast.

I’m going private and getting a consultation and X-ray on Monday. Just to rule out break or arthritis.

If they come back negative then it’s definitely to do with tendons.

The thing is now I’m doubting if I do get them repaired do I even want to go back to running?

I’ve put on loads of weight just stuck on settee, I’ve gone back up a dress size already. I just can’t seem to shake this depression off.

How are you feeling now? Is you leg and ankle better.

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Scobs

Oh Scobs...I didn't see this til just now. Sorry. x

I felt the same as you, that three or four weeks maximum would be time to heal. That's not the case though is it. The tendons need time to mend and strenghen. My bad ankle is still definetly weaker than the other.

It has been seven weeks for me, and you have knee issues as well as the tendinitis.

I have put on weight too, walking was uncomfortable and I didn't feel like doing much. I did do the little strenghening exercises my physio gave me though.

In the last two weeks something changed, and I started to do some of the video exercises for people with foot injuries. Doing these and some stretching has helped improve my mood and feel physically better.

Have you had your X-Ray? How is your bad knee?

I understand how miserable you feel, being uncomfortable all the time, and not knowing when you will feel better. I hope having that private treatment works out better.

Let us know how you are getting on. Good luck. xxx

Scobs profile image

No problem, I guessed you must have been busy.

Still having acupuncture on knee, so hopefully it will heal and I won’t have to have surgery.

Started private treatment last week. They said one good thing they couldn’t find a break, so x Ray wasn’t called for. They did numerous different tests. They told me the same as acupuncturist That my left knee was very stiff and hardly any movement. So I’m going this Thursday to find out proper results and then to start some physio.

🙄 I’ve been to SlimmingWorld and again I’ve put on 41/2lb this week.

Since not exercising, because I was told not to ride stationary bike. I’ve piled on the pounds.

Last week after trying to keep up with the lady who was walking in my local group. I pulled my knee back out again. Why she wanted to walk with me I’m not sure. 🤦‍♀️

Since mind I’ve discovered, she’s three weeks away from joining back in running, and that she doesn’t do 5k at all, maybe a few 10k, but mostly half marathons.

Way to fast for me

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Oh no, she probably thought she was helping you, but you would have been ok if able to walk at your own comfortable pace... That's awful.

This new physio is sounding promising, and hopefully you can begin with proper recovery. All that rest was probably necessary considering how much pain you were in... and the exercises may seem small, but done regularly will make a difference.

I've had acupuncture on a frozen shoulder before and that worked, so fingers crossed your knee will respond well too.🤞

As for your mood and weight gain, I think they go hand in hand. Once the pain and stiffness improve you will feel more active and more in control. It's hard with this weather and dark days to get motivated, but keep running in your sights and work slowly towards getting back to it.

Well done for getting out and walking with your group, that took gumption, its a shame that lady upped the pace.

Listen to your new physio, follow the advice, say you hope to get back to running, and try to stay positive.

Fingers crossed for you🤞xxx

Scobs profile image
Scobs in reply to Bluebirdrunner

thank you so much. It’s not so nice to hear anybody else in pain, but fantastic to hear they’ve recovered from it. Well done you.

Hopefully now with this new physio. Things won’t look so bleak for me.

Had a wobble last week when felt like throwing in the towel, but now seeing how you’ve come on is making me feel better.

Keep me up to speed with your future recovery. 👏👏

Scobs profile image

I’ve finally got a diagnosis.

I’ve got acute tendon apathy .

I’ve been given a treatment plan, a small dose of radio therapy and a few massages. Fingers crossed I start improving. 🥰

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