I have had the most fantastic weekend of running!
As many of you know I very rarely run parkrun at my "race pace" as I enjoy getting my son Daniel round it more than constantly chasing PBs. I thought it was about time to see what improvements I'd made so, for the first time in 7 weeks, yesterday I ran on my own. So Daniel didn't miss out his Dad and stepmum very kindly said they would come to run as well.
I actually felt quite nervous but had lots of good advice from people at my running club on how to approach the PB attempt - basically warm up properly and don't go out too fast!
My first km was strong and I got faster to the halfway point. I hate coming back - particularly kms 3-4. I'm going to ask one of the coaches why but I suspect it is psychological. Into the last km and I felt quite strong again. With about 400m to go two people came running towards me. I thought they were front runners on their cool down but as the lady said to me "you're doing really well - keep going!" I realised who it was:
Unbeknown to me someone very special had also decided it was a good day to attempt a PB - Dame Kelly Holmes!! Hastings is known for being a very fast course and she had arrived unannounced for her attempt. Suddenly my legs found a bit more - not quite enough for a full sprint in the final 150m but I was moving. Clocked in at 26:54 just over 9 mins slower than Dame Kelly's 17:48 PB but I'll take it 😂
Daniel's stepmum came in about a minute behind me and we waited for Daniel and his Dad who we knew would be about 8-10 mins behind us. Daniel finished with his usual fast sprint with his Dad 30 secs behind him. Dame Kelly had run part of the way in with them and told Daniel he had to beat his Dad. When he started to sprint she said "that's how you do it!". He had no idea who she was and thought she was just a really nice front runner encouraging everyone. I've shown him the videos of her Gold medal wins in Athens and he is absolutely chuffed to bits 😁
Unfortunately none of us made the video:
As if that wasn't enough for one weekend this morning I also took part in the Eastbourne junior parkrun running with my 7 year old nephew Ollie. He loves running and told me last week he wants to be a sprinter. It was absolutely fantastic! It's a 2km run for 4-14 year olds and the way they all sprinted off the start line was brilliant - no care for how far it was or whether they would be able to make it just the pure joy of running!
We went off quick and I was a bit worried I might not keep up with him but our pace settled and the questions started "Is running good for you?...Is it good for your legs?....What other bits is it good for"....to halfway where the marshal was high-fiving all the kids. He didn't realise we were turning (think he was just going to carry on running up to Beachy Head!) and tripped over my foot and fell, got straight back up and carried on running....."How far's left?....Is it good to have a stitch?😂 He started to get tired but then the finish line came in sight and off he sprinted. Finished in a time of 10.28.
Daniel ran by himself for the first time a fair bit faster than he manages with me and without the need for an inhaler. My eleven year old nephew also made it round. It's not on next week unfortunately but they all want to go back and do it again