Well after a busy weekend in Copenhagen celebrating, eating and drinking I was determined to get in a run before heading for home this afternoon. Fortunately I’d had my sensible head on before going to bed last night, and made an effort to hydrate as much as possible to counteract the rather extended drinking session at a church barbecue.
The Scandi sun had decided to wake me up at 4am yet again, and despite being pretty tired I couldn’t seem to get back to sleep. But it was far to early to be awakening the slumbering Mr Razouski, who was definitely in need of his beauty sleep, having not managed to find his sensible head at all yesterday! So I lay in bed trying to convince myself unsuccessfully to try and catch a few more winks (or even 40). At around 6.30 I crept out of bed and into the dressing area of the hotel apartment and stumbled around finding and then getting into my running kit. Why, oh why, had I not put everything out ready the night before? Oh I remember why, I thought as I saw the empty wine glasses from the night cap that had seemed like such a good idea at the end of the festivities last night.
However, a restorative cup of tea seemed to work some kind of magic, and I was soon walking briskly down the 5 flights of stairs to the hotel lobby to begin my run.
Thanks to PippiRuns , I was armed with a print out of a suggested route which would take me to a rather lovely park. I had no idea where the starting point was, so although I’d had lots of discussions with sallenson and pianoteacher about possible music for this run, in the end I decided it was more important to listen to the directions on Googlemaps than to worry about a stirring playlist. And it was actually lovely running without the accompaniment of music and just the occasional instruction to turn right or left, and of course the lovely woman on mapmyrun letting me know what distance I’d covered.
The first 2.5km took me past the Planetarium on the corner of one of Copenhagen’s stunning lakes, resplendent with the glittering reflection of the not so early morning sun. Then it took a certain amount of will power to keep running past a very tempting bakery with its array of the most appealing Danish pastries I had seen all weekend. But I continued on to the Friedreksberg Have, a delightful park with winding paths which took me past gently flowing water with an ornate pull ferry, a little groups of trees encircling ornate statues, a castle, a mansion house, a neo-classical temple, and then before I knew it I was convinced I could see a group of pink flamingoes in the distance through the perimeter fence. I had to stop and rub my eyes – perhaps I was still under the influence and was seeing things – to check that they were actually real live flamingoes. It was only as I ran further on that I realized this was one of the enclosures of the neighbouring Zoo.
I completed 5 km on the route around the park and then headed back the way I’d come, enjoying a full lap of the lake before finally getting back to the hotel. The run had enlivened me, and any thoughts of a hangover had completely disappeared. Despite having run 10km I was even able to complete my cool down by walking up the 5 flights of stairs to the apartment. It had been so much easier than my 10km run last week. I’d been gone for just over an hour, as I’d taken time to stop and take some photos. Mr R. hadn’t even noticed I’d gone so I was glad I had photographic evidence that I had run, and a clear justification for walking down to Nyhaven later that morning to indulge in a waffle for breakfast.