Got up this morning and it was bucketing down. I realized I don't think Ive run in pouring rain before. I have a rain jacket with a mesh lining so I threw that on over my t-shirt and went out. Halfway down the street I was soaked through. The jacket was pointless π It was ridiculous, but whatever just keep going, got to the cemetery to realize i forgot to turn my watch on AGAIN, but whatever, just keep running. Soaked to the skin but still warm somehow. The tunes keep me going and I am completely alone in this cemetery in the pouring rain. Its weird but nice at the same time. I start to focus on the 10 feet in front of me and notice whats going on down there. Like a little worm that is slowly trying to cross the glassy, rain soaked paved path, driven by what I wonder? I call him Fred. First loop, he's about one foot over. Second loop, he's another six inches. Rain is easing off now and everything is feeling good. By the fourth or fifth loop I think Fred made it onto better things on the other side. Maybe he has family over there? Said hello to my squirrel friends too. They still think I'm nuts. And it was done. Have one last 10k this week before the program is done. I will miss the structure!
Just me and Fred the worm: Got up this morning... - Bridge to 10K
Just me and Fred the worm

Sounds like a great run (but I don't mind running in the rain, it's the wind that drives me batty). What are your running plans once 10k is reached? Is a half marathon in your future?
That's a good question Sask. My main goal here was to get to 10k. Now I find myself looking at the HM training plans :)...not sure if I have the confidence for that just yet, but you never know, its only 11 weeks of training! Something to keep busy over the winter?
Haha. It truly is an addiction, isn't it. It is all achievable though with the right training plan and dedication. Which plan are you using?
I am very new to all of this ,but I was looking at the MyAsics plan where you answer a few questions and plug in what you are running now and where you want to get to and they magically construct a plan in seconds!
I've looked at that one. When I was running a few years ago Runkeeper had free training plans of all distances but they don't have it now. I'm using Ju-ju's bridge to 10k that is pinned on this forum to get to 10k then we shall see what comes after that π
Happy thanksgiving to you as well! I'm not sure but I think its just us Canadians celebrating today
Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. We are delaying our family get together until next weekend when we are all available. This weekend I get to deal with all the sick pets from people sharing their Thanksgiving feasts with their pets ππ€’
Oh are you a vet? Yes some folks give their pets all kinds of things.
Haha, that's for sure. Some get insulted when I ask if they feed their pets people food or gave them any human medications; others wear it like a badge of honour π. Two days are never the same for a small animal vet!
Ha ha! I started looking at HM plans too. But I am going no further. Not now, not ever, ever. Don't have the time...though I confess I did say that about 10km too... maybe if there was a plan that wasn't too demanding...

Haha, the things we see when we're out running. I once had a run where I spent most of the time trying to avoid stepping on all these snails that had appeared after the rain π yuk!
Your right about the jacket - horrible things that just get in the way. Once you're wet you're wet. Ditch it and run free π€π€π€πππ

Great post Decker ...glad Fred made it across the path to his family...or maybe he was going to a party?? Who knows??? I love running in the rain...jackets are pointless though, once youβre wet youβre wet so I donβt bother...thereβs something really liberating about running in the rain??!! Well done on hat sounds like a right nice run π
Its entirely possible Fred was going to a party or maybe he was on his way to start a brand new life on the other side of the path. There's so much about him we just don't know. He was very elusive about the whole thing.
I will say now that I enjoy rain-runs, if the temp is not too frigid. This morn was just right. I used to love walking in the rain when I was younger. And the tunes definitely helped!

Running in the rain is fine. When you stop running you get cold if you have a ways to get back home, so a jacket is a good idea to pop back on
My asides plans are hard! Even the "easy" one. You have to feed in the correct information to,get back a do-able plan. The intermediate plan is a killer so,stick,with the easy plan. Even that is difficult! If you want a half marathon plan punch in your last race time for a 10k, or'gour best 10k time
Then it asks how many times you want to,run, e.g. 2, 3 or 4 times a week. I tried four but soon ran into trouble so reduced it to three. It gives you a detailed plan, e.g. Run days, length and pace and a projected finish time. Each time you complete a run you feed your run stats into,the programme and it keeps you up to date and tells you how you are doing
I use them all the time now. I like them as it means you don't over run.
Thanks MW, if I'm honest, the jacket did help with the cool breeze on the cool down walk home. π
I did not realize you could control the number of run days in the week for the myasics plan. Three would be good for me too. And its nice to be able to feed your ongoing stats into it too. I just signed up for a November 10k race yesterday so I may begin the next phase after that.