Anyone know how to shift ground in stinkiness from tops ? I have a couple of long sleeve tops that I've used over the past few winters - so they have had a proper hammering. Now, even though I always wash asap after being used they still have an eau do pong. They have worn ok and still look good so don't really want to chuck em. I can't put anything in with every wash as I'm allergic to many wash powders - so it has to be something that I can re-wash afterwards to wear. Any idea's ?
Honking Tops: Anyone know how to shift ground... - Bridge to 10K
Honking Tops

Try just soaking in diluted Milton... then wash, in wash powder that you are not allergic to. If that does not work.. then you will have to spray yourself with Chanel
Someone at running club was saying to use white vinegar
Let us know how you get on. I have a similar issue with some of my long sleeved tops and t-shirts that I rather like. If it doesn't work then I guess we will have to resign ourselves to some seasonal running shopping 😉
Never use softener on wicking clothes..... its stops the properties working...and will harbour bacteria , which produce the smell. Wash using wash powder and add a capful of white viniger into the softener draw. It will also keep your washing machine clean😀
I had some running shirts with sweat build up in the armpits, I googled and tried the vinegar method which worked for me - see this and other methods here

I got it from my local handicentre - it was only a couple of quid for a litre. Not sure if supermarkets do it ? Must admit not much liking the smell that is currently coming from the washing machine - but if it works....
Just come across this sports wash liquid - recommended on a running site. Only used it once but seems to work so far.

White Vinegar works ! Have two fresh tops ready for Winter ! Thanks everyone
Bicarbonate of soda