Aaagh!: I did the C25K to run the 5k Race for... - Bridge to 10K

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Fitforthesofa profile image
16 Replies

I did the C25K to run the 5k Race for Life on 1st July, graduated Laura's podcast and ran a Parkrun recently. All was going great guns. Last Thursday-Saturday I helped my daughter move to a new apartment on the second floor so lots of going up and down stairs. When I ran on Sunday I had a minor twinge in my knee when I started, but had the best run ever over 4k, then when I got up the next day my left knee was agony! Not swollen, red or painful to touch but pain when I put weight on it. I took Ibuprofen, iced it through the day and put ibuprofen gel on and it seemed a lot better by the evening when I had to walk to dog. But this morning it's almost back to the same pain. All I'm bothered about is being able to do the RFL on Saturday as it's for my brother who has cancer. Any advice on how best to help it heal and what to do to run on it? :(

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16 Replies
Maddee_6333 profile image

I'm no expert, but I'd continue with ibuprofen and icing it* for a couple of days, and give it as much rest as possible. You won't lose any fitness. I assume that if you can't actually run the Race for Life, but can only walk it you will still get any sponsor money, people have pledged, so that will still be an option.

*I think there's also a thing where after you've iced it for a couple of days you then switch to using warmth instead? But I could be really REALLY wrong about that. Hope someone better than I am on the topic can advise you better. Take care.

Fitforthesofa profile image
Fitforthesofa in reply to Maddee_6333

Thanks Maddee_6333 :)

Irishprincess profile image

You can rest it completely all week and you"ll still be good to go on Sunday so don't worry about that. Where exactly is the pain?

Fitforthesofa profile image
Fitforthesofa in reply to Irishprincess

Hi Irishprincess, the pain is at the lower right side of my knee. Not the knee cap itself but sort of in the indented part below it.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply to Fitforthesofa

Sounds like it might be your ITB (illotibial band) as I had a similar pain on my left knee. If you've never heard of this just google and you'll be able to work out if that's your problem. Make sure you stretch your hamstrings, quads and roller every bit of your legs and also your glutes.

If you think it is your ITB then shout out and I'll give you a great stretch that my pilates teacher gave me recently.

Fitforthesofa profile image
Fitforthesofa in reply to Irishprincess

I'm not sure it is this as it's on the inside of the knee (sorry should have been clearer). I've realised it 'is' slightly swollen and think (from my sleuth medical knowledge) that it might be Pes Anserine Bursitis. I've elevated it overnight and it's definitely better. I'll keep icing and using ibuprofen and avoid stairs and running until Saturday. Oh and keep evertlything crossed in the meantime!! ☺️

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate10 in reply to Fitforthesofa

Hello! I had this injury a couple of years back (pes anserine bursitis). Really painful if you poke it, stairs and downhills are brutal. Ice is your friend, see if you can pack some for after your race.

I saw a physio and was written off running for several weeks. My physio let me run my race, but not much before or after. She taped me up, which helped, and I had to go through the C25k program again.

There were various stretches I had to do, because it's where three different major muscles attach. The only one I remember off the top of my head was a 'clam' stretch, and lots of love with the foam roller.

I hope you recover quickly

Fitforthesofa profile image
Fitforthesofa in reply to runswithdogs

Thanks runswithdogs. I've been icing regularly since Sunday and taking ibuprofen but tbh it's not improved. It's not visually swollen, is only slightly tender just below the knee cap toward the inside but it's worse in a morning. Not stiff, just uncomfortable to walk on. The pain isn't massive, but I know it's enough that I shouldn't be running on it. And I've noticed that as I'm sat at my desk writing this, with my knees bent, if I twist the knee it brings it on. I'm sooooo frustrated having trained diligently for 11 weeks to get to tomorrow's run. Boo hoo :(

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate10 in reply to Fitforthesofa

Bad timing!

I was told mine was from overuse, so ever since I've made sure to add some easy low mileage weeks in the mix. It hasn't bothered me since, so hopefully this is also a one-off for you.

Eek! I feel your pain I had a knee twinge some time ago and continued to run on it which took me out of running completely for 2 wks however on the 2nd week I was able to start slowly building back up but running wasn't until after a couple of weeks. It's really tough when we just want to run and these things get in the way especially when it is for such a good cause.

My advice would be to rest from now with the odd walk just to keep it moving. Ice and ibuprofen as you've been doing and keep everything crossed that it sorts itself. On Saturday if you do attempt the run I would definitely advice walking if it twinges so you don't cause more damage.

Fitforthesofa profile image
Fitforthesofa in reply to

Thanks Sooty12. Would you suggest strapping it up at all? I've been wearing an elasticated bandage when I walk the dog (very short and gentle ones, poor doggie) :)

in reply to Fitforthesofa

Hi, I didn't strap it although I did try but it seemed to hurt more when I did. I think just listening to your body and just doing what it allows for now will help you recover. I still think there should be a miracle cure for injuries but I don't think that will happen anytime soon unfortunately. Poor doggie will be jogging along with you very soon I'm sure ☺

Fitforthesofa profile image
Fitforthesofa in reply to

She loves her runs :) Thanks Sooty12, it does feel better when I walk with it strapped but I guess it could be psychological. Keeping everything crossed for Saturday. Daren't tell my team I'm injured! ;)

Millsie-J profile image

As part of your resting try to avoid stairs, particularly walking down them ( walk down backwards but hold on! ). Fingers crossed for you!

Fitforthesofa profile image
Fitforthesofa in reply to Millsie-J

Thanks Jacs-W. yes stairs are definitely the devil at the minute ☺️

Hi Fitforthesofa. Hope your knee is better now and how did your RFL go onSat. I have my RFL on Sunday 9th . Intending to use one of the 5k podcasts so I can listen to Laura whilst running the distance. Did you do the same? 😀😀

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