The tongue is a small thing....but what enor... - Bridge to 10K

Bridge to 10K

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The tongue is a small thing....but what enormous damage it can do...

Oldfloss profile image
93 Replies

Having,over the past few weeks in replies to folk, mainly on the C25K forum, mentioned the fact that I have never in the time since I graduated, had a running related injury, ( other than the incident of the bouncing trainers, and I don't count the falling over a coffee table and breaking my ribs, getting ready to go for a run), and have never had the need to use a roller of any words, now come back to haunt me:)

I completed another 10K two Sundays ago… slow and steady … the first ‘proper’ run for a purpose other than my own purpose. A virtual run for charity, suggested by our lovely Millsie-J and the wonderful davelinks . I shall be doing more of them:)

I decided as you know from my last post, (the one demonstrating, jumping Old floss,) to make it the end run of my 10K revisited plan. The plan had been enjoyable, informative and useful.

Things I have learned as a result of the plan;

•I enjoy the structure of organised progression

•I am able to discipline myself within that structure

•I enjoy the challenges of the different pace, distance

and terrain

•I am speedier than I thought I was, (when I need to be)

•My comfy pace is 160/165

•1 hour 16 minutes and 26 seconds is not a bad time for a 10K when you are 67

•I have a lot of stamina

•I know quite a few strong expletives

•I have learned to embrace inclines and… chiefly,

•I have accepted that this Old Snail is designed for distance and not speed:)

So, moving on, I ran last Sunday also… a steady 33 minute 5K…. I had a weird twinge in my inside left calf muscle at the end of the run and had a fair bit of pain, eased only if I walked with my foot and leg completely aligned.

Hard to walk for 24 hours.

I did not run again until this Friday… after rest, improvised massage, (at the holiday home…) and gentle exercise, aided and abetted by really extreme temperatures. Friday’s run was a gentle 3K, very relaxed and uneventful.

I ran again, yesterday morning, got four miles out, and the twinge returned, with a real vengeance. As I was out in the fields, I tried to run it off… but had to succumb to plonking down in the field, sitting and rubbing my calf and trying all sorts to relieve the pain, quite a few times…I then hobbled my way back through the fields and continued to hobble, very slowly and painfully, back home

I got a massive telling off from husband, ( really he was very concerned :)) then latterly daughter and son in law… for not phoning for help. I cried a bit, because a) it was really hurting, b) I was imagining not ever being able to run again, because the twinge had re-occurred, and c) because, as Little Mum says, I am tad over dramatic!

Back on the IC now….I have little idea what the problem is, but it is exactly the same pain as before; I may have started running again too soon. So a roller has been ordered, (having never used one, it will be exciting), and fingers crossed for a fairly rapid recovery. If this problem happens again, I may need to get it checked out.

The photograph is of my first ever bit of Bling…not for a run or a race with other people…but a run nevertheless. I am a tad pleased with it:)


I learned yesterday also, that I am very stubborn:)

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Oldfloss profile image
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93 Replies
davelinks profile image

That's nice bling! Now where have I seen that before?😁

Oh dear floss! What are you like! What a flipping nuisance! the calf injury, be careful with using the roller, that's gonna hurt, go on utube and see them domonstrating using a roller.

Do you think it's a tear not yet healed properly, you will have to stay on IC and get it sorted proper!😞

Slinky's not doing bad, its been a slow process for her getting back, we did Parkrun on Saturday with my nephew and his family, nephew got his 50th run in and has claimed his free milestone t shirt, made me envious as I should have done 50 PRs a while back! have done 33 to date. My great nephew aged 6 did his first grown up PR, he's in junior Parkrun and is very good! He has his elders giving him motivation! And cakes! He got me afterwards in the park cafe for an iced Danish pastry with cherry on top, good job he burns off the calories! I just had a tea! I told him don't make it a habit!😁

Anyway Slinky did fine for her first PR at this particular local PR (she's now done 5 in total) it's the hardest PR course in the SE with the steep hill and has a lot of incline.

For the first time since starting back she went out on her own this morning ( I forgot we were going out early and had had my breakfast) she went off without me, doing under 3k, so she's coming along!😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply todavelinks

I know a really decent chap who has one..just like it...:)

What a super weekend you have had...your family are really sporty and the youngsters..well.. energy unleashed..:) Slinky is making terrific progress too...with hills!!! Off on her own as well.. that is such good news x

I don't know what I have done... I need to check out how to use the roller thing..! I shall be sensible... fortunately the pain is easier this afternoon, !

I have real trouble sometimes accepting I am not a youngster and that I am not indestructible... and that even my slow and steady is not foolproof! I do cover a fair few miles each week and then when I add on walking and cycling.. maybe as Irish Princess says, I need to check my muscles out :)

I shall be sensible.. difficult though I find it :) x

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

A guy I know at my local Parkrun is 67, he's no snail with a consistent time of about 25 mins with over 200 Parkruns under his belt, yes, he's been running for a long time I think, but gives a good idea of what seniors can achieve..😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply todavelinks

Seniors... blimey.. we rock !!!

McFitty profile image

Flossums! What are you like?!

Big congratulations on your first bit of beautiful bling - it's luvverly. But even bigger hugs for you and your poor calf. I can imagine the pain and frustration, you poor thing. PLEASE take it easy, even if you're itching to take to the fields. Have to say, I got one of the 'knobbly' rollers and it has been an absolute godsend for my calves. (I did have to 'learn' how to use it and it was quite painful initially). Definitely worth the discomfort for the benefit though...

Sending you big love and know you'll be back out there knocking down the kilometres as soon as you're fighting fit again.😚xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toMcFitty

I am a dope... I don't know where it came from... have not really had any issues like it!! I will have to learn how to use the roller.. it makes for an exciting time!!

What is the difference between all the rollers anyway, foam, knobbly, therapy sticks... ! I just thought I was fine !

Thanks anyway...I shall be patient ! xxx Honestly!

Madge50 profile image

Nice bling Floss, right shame about the calf muscle, take it you are venturing to the dark side of the foam might want to have something to bite on.....when you try it.....or you may learn more expletives that are said very, very loud....😱.......afterwards is lovely though.....😂

And ahem, 1hr 16 for a 10k is a good time for anyone....mrs not so slow old snail....

So, rest up, sounds like you've just overdone it a bit, have a break and then ease back in......

Take care of yourself


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toMadge50

It is isn't it ? :) Very exciting for me :)

The roller sounds terrifying! But I am hoping it may help? I may have overdone something, but the trouble is I enjoy it and feel fine doing it.. I have to rest up now though, and will really make sure everything feels right before heading out again!

Secretly I am really thrilled with my first bling.. :) Thank you x

Oh no! Both those times for 10k and 5k are really good - not just for a 67yo. But you'll have a while to wait before you can repeat them! So sorry to hear. I hope you're not in too much pain. Wishing you a speedy recovery, please stay on here even if running has to take the back seat for a bit :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to

Thanks you... I discovered doing some of the runs in the 10K revisited plan that I was speedier than I imagined I was...I think just the weeks of slow and steady have meant a gradual build up! My leg feels a bit easier this afternoon...thank you. I shall stay around watching everyone's progress :)

Irishprincess profile image

Oh floss! What a good news/bad news post 🙂☹️

Firstly, well done on the bling. I love it! Just love all those colours. You wear it well 🤗

Now then, about the calf thing. If you haven't used a foam roller before the pain could be just that. Very tight muscles. You have done a fair few miles without one and I'm sure your muscles might be as tight as a drum!

I know a foam roller can sometimes take away a few pains for me totally but the problem is knowing the difference between injury and tightness. Maybe gentle stretching and icing for a few days and then ease into the roller. The first time hurts but as the muscles soften the pain eases. While waiting for the roller to come you could always use your hands to gently massage your calves. Then you can apply as much or as little pressure as you need.

You're now an experienced runner so you know the IC thing is temporary but I hope it's for a very short spell and after a little rest you'll be good to go again.

Sending you a virtual hug and I'll make you a nice cuppa and a few shortbread biscuits xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toIrishprincess

My bling.. ( oooh My bling :) ) is really pretty..I am thrilled :)

The roller thing scares me..but I was a bit at a loss..when I did it in Wales, I massaged gently and as I had no roller or any kind of firm ball, I used a small apple to just knead the muscles gently and it helped!! I shall take your advice and see how I go...the pain, as with last time has eased...!

Thanks for my hug and my cuppa and biscuits xxxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toIrishprincess

IP... which smooth roller do you have....? The one which I ordered, came today...I am not sure if I have chosen correctly???

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

I have quite a few including one like yours. This one is great for calves so don't worry, keep at it. It's harder to use on other parts of your body so the more general one is like this:

You can also get a smooth version

which is not so 😖 but the knobbly one is better as it gets into all those little nooks and crannies!

How is the calve today? xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toIrishprincess

Thank you for that info'... so many out there! It is a lot easier today... i really hoping it is just tight muscles and not a little tear!!! I am walking more, normally... ( normal, me??? )

Thank youxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Thank goodness floss. The other thing you might want to consider is a regular sports massage. I have one once a month and it's amazing, even using the foam roller every day, how she can find really tight spots 😖

The first one is very painful but, a bit like the programme, feels easier as time goes on. Afterwards everything feels much looser, definitely worth the pain!

So pleased you're feeling a bit better today xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toIrishprincess

Thanks for that; I feel I may have to take a little more care of myself!

So, would I go to a specialist physiotherapist for that or a Sports clinic.. sorry to keep pestering, but again.. I have no idea!!!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Either Floss. Most physio clinics offer sports massage. You could also get a recommendation from any local gym and/or running shop. But sometimes it's trial and error. One lady I had just seemed to tickle me and didn't hit the spot at all! xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toIrishprincess

Okay.. thanks again... I feel a whole new adventure before me:)


Maybe I could get a cute podiatrist too, like you :)x

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Oops! Sorry for the multiple posts. I had problems posting and kept trying! xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Try this Floss. Hopefully there's one in your area xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

For some reason I'm having problems posting this. Try this and hopefully there is someone in your area xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Have a look at this. Hopefully there's one in your area xxx

Maddee_6333 profile image

That looks like a perfectly good time for 10K regardless of age Floss!

Take care of yourself xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toMaddee_6333

Thank you... it will do me just fine:) xx

This is great and terrible news! I'm glad everyone has told you off and that you are taking things a bit easy until you are better. Now time to take your own advice; be patient, don't rush, slow and steady, be kind to yourself....

I'm just having a rather marvellous G and T, so I'll send yo one of those to lift the spirits.

Like Arnie, you will be back (and soon)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to

Thank you xxxx Cheers!

I shall take my own advice.. this really is too sore to ignore!

JaySeeSkinny profile image

You've been having a hard time of it lately, haven't you, you dear old lady? Well not so old really. I love your bling and the pictures of you jumping with joy, but pains in calves are not good. I hope it isn't a tear, but whatever it is, if it reduces you to tears it is not good. I hope you find out what it is and how to make it go away.

In the meantime you can

Write poems

Work on your book

Plan new routes

Encourage us all

Play with your grandchild

And in a few weeks run again. Get better soon!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toJaySeeSkinny

Great advice.... thank you...!

I am in good spirits again... just not sure what this is!

I am working on my book,,, and everything else.. well... taken as read ) xxx

Sandraj39 profile image

Oh no, Oldfloss - not nice at all! 🙁 Sounds a like a strain/ small tear of the calf muscle. I would say RICE initially and then MICE when you can! (Gentle movement) . Seriously though, if the pain does not subside soon, perhaps get a doctor to look at it. Is there any bruising? I had quite a bit of bruising when I tore my calf muscle a couple of years ago but it does all depend on the severity of the injury.

The important thing is to rest up well and let things heal. Hopefully you won't be out for too long. If I get OFF the injury couch before you, I shall certainly take you out on my trails with me. Unfortunately, I don't think that will be for a good few days yet but I am slowly getting there. Take care. x

Beautiful bling by the way! Well done 😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toSandraj39

Err... yes... a very slight bruise half way down the back of my calf..husband noticed it this morning.. I thought I must have knocked it! I just don't know where it came from, what would cause it ??? I shall rest up and be sensible...:)

Thanks for the advice.... and happy healing to you :) x

Yes... my first bling! :) Good eh?

Sandraj39 profile image

Bleeding from muscle injury. Sounds from your description that it may be the gastrocnemius muscle (same one I tore). Try googling it. Someone else has posted today on Couch to 5k about a really nasty calf tear, poor chap.🙁 ..must be something in the air.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toSandraj39

Eeekkk! Sounds I need to get it checked or just rest and recover? Just had a quick google... sounds like maybe Grade 2 tear,, which i ought to be able to cope with myself ... !!! Humph!

Thanks for that x

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Graduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Mine took a while to settle - I did get physio advice and massage on it after about a week. At this stage I think it's ice and elevation but as we always say on here, we are not medically qualified so do see your doctor if it does not start to improve or gets more painful. Better to be safe than sorry, I always think. Take care.🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toSandraj39

Thank you... I feel reassured, just not sure how it all happened. If it does not improve I will seek advice from the professionals. x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toSandraj39

Looked at the link...mine, thankfully is not that severe!!! After rupturing an Achilles tendon...I know what his injury must have felt like !

Joy57 profile image

Poor you Floss! I'd think that if you can walk on it without too much trouble, then rest and recover. The bruising is just the blood tracking out to the surface, as Sandra rightly says. All the very best, hope you get out there again soon - but not too soon! 😘

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toJoy57

Thanks you... walking this evening is much easier... I shall take it as ever, slow and steady! Thank you Joyx

IannodaTruffe profile image

Commiserations, Floss, my dear. What a *******!

Mind you, if there is anyone around here that you should listen to it'

Take it easy.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate10 in reply toIannodaTruffe

Ha ha Innado ! :-D xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toIannodaTruffe

Ha ha!!!!

I did..... and look where it got me...maybe I should have sped through the last 18 months like Usain Bolt!!! :)

Thanks xx


I know folk think I am a pain banging on about slow and steady, but I do believe that is the way for this journey... enjoying it, embracing every moment of it, learning as we go, so much about ourselves etc etc..Yeah.. shut up, Floss !

poppypug profile image

Oh Floss !!! Oh dear , what a palaver !

So so sorry to read this , such a sucker punch after gaining some beautiful bling - Bah !

Yes I think rest is the key here . Make yourself comfy on the IC and hopefully it's not too long before you're back out there .

Take care our lovely , darling Floss . Big hugs to you :-) xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply topoppypug

Thanks you...:) x

I am hoping it might not be too feels much easier this morning:)

I managed to get out of bed without any agonised groans...always good!! Less scary for Mr OF.

The good thing is.... lots to catch up on.. small runner in training, exploits, ( she is crawling now and very speedy....nit at all like her Grammy...:) I shall be working on my book, finishing some watercolours and planning where my running path will take me next... :)

Hope you had a wonderful weekend with your sister too!


I shall take IannodaTruffe 's advice and listen to my own.. and I shall continue to be slow and steady.. :) Cheeky monkey that he is!!!

aliboo70 profile image

Oh no floss! Sorry to hear this! What a pain,literally. I don't have much advice but foam rollers definitely do help though can be a bit eye watering! But you are a brave soul! Stay strong! I'm just back from Dads birthday dinner full up and tired so not good at stringing a sentence together much .... xx big hugs and a plate of cheesy scones for you xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toaliboo70

Yeay! Ali... I know... where did that come from! But, much easier this morning.... so maybe not as worrisome as I felt last night!

I shall do whatever it takes and use the time on the blinking IC in a positive way!

You are having a real time of it , running, sister's wedding Paul's birthday, Dad's birthday..:)

Lots of lovely yummy food too... You do know you can never stop running, you need to run all the cal's off :) x

I do really like cheesy scones...I may need to make some today now... thanks you xxxx

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Graduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Sorry floss I forgot to congratulate you on your first bling! 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toaliboo70

Thanks It is a bit special for me.. Virtual or not! I wore it when I was eating my dinner on Monday evening!!! :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Graduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Yay thats the spirit!

I have a day off today! Pottering around!

Poor sis in hospital with food poisoning 😕will email you later on xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toaliboo70


Shivani05 profile image

Oh no! I hope it heals quickly and you're back out there running as you love to. Rest and recover soon! xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toShivani05

Thank you Shivani xxx

It feels a lot easier this is a nuisance, but maybe just my body saying, take it steady.. :) ( steadier) :)

Hope all good with you...:)


I am researching, how soon I shall be able to get on my cross trainer to keep me from stiffening up !

Millsie-J profile image

Oh Floss, what a mixed post!

The bling is lovely and very well deserved!

Calf pain, not so good! It does sound like you have just over-done it in your eagerness! I would say a bit of RICE, and then the dreaded roller. I use mine after every run now. I also do heel-dip static stretches directly after every run.

I take a four or five day planned break every sixth week or so and concentrate instead on my yoga.

We seniors need to take care of our precious selves🏃🏻‍♀️😀⭐️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toMillsie-J

You are a youngster :)

I am just a bit bewildered, but as Irish Princess says, maybe three times a week every week and building distances and times etc has been a bit too much. however slow and steady!

I have done everything properly I felt.., rest days, exercise to compliment the running, warming up and after run routine, always...... I think I have maybe underestimated the time spent with Little Mum and particularly ,small runner in training... I was at one point walking 45 miles over five days a week and latterly I am often out with her in her buggy for two or three hours at a time!

So, do you feel I should plan a break into my schedule? I could increase my daily yoga routine ... and I shall be doing more cycling as I have taken my bike to our place in North Wales now :)

I have always feared, ( probably groundlessly) that if I stopped running, because I am older, that I might seize up!!!

Thanks youxx

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-J in reply toOldfloss

You are never going to stop running our Floss!

Why not keep a log of your exercise, everything including adventures with small runner 💕. Then review and reflect on the total you are doing and how you are feeling at any time?

If you feel you want a planned break, take it. The reason I refer to it as a 'planned break' is that you are in control, its not that you are just not running, it is part of your schedule. That means no guilt trip. Also i find a regained eagerness to run after the planned break. I think mine is about maintaining energy as I find too many longer runs really drain me .

You are an inspiration my friend, you are not doing too much wrong that is clear.

These things happen to all of us, uneven ground, too-flat ground (I find that hurts calves!), change of terrain, very hard ground etc . Eeeee such a lot to think about 😀

Workerbee profile image

Sorry to show my ignorance but wtf is a roller?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toWorkerbee

An instrument of exquisite torture apparently... I have never felt the need..but that may be changed now... there are many and a lot of folk would not be without them..

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-J in reply toWorkerbee

Do you mean What Terribly Fine Thing is a foam roller tee hee...... take a look at the link below.

Every one who uses them absolutely adore them 😱😓😰😬😵

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toMillsie-J

I think i chose the wrong thing! I need to get back on the case...! Oh dear.. it is a whole new world!!!

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-J in reply toOldfloss

No thats the one..... i had mine from Aldi similar to the one in your link..... mine is perfectly purple!

There are smooth ones and nobbled ones.,.. the one I started with belongs to my son and is smooth. But I guarantee you they all hurt as much 😰

Runon profile image

Congrats on the bling Old Floss. You'll soon be out there again - these little injuries just prove that we are trying hard 😎x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toRunon

Thank you... the first of many I hope... although they will be Virtual Run medals.. own location own speed :) xxx

IannodaTruffe profile image

Floss, this injury makes you the complete runner........the one who can advise from first hand experience...........clouds......... linings.......

Keep rolling, try smiling.

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-J in reply toIannodaTruffe

Keep rolling Ian ...... love it! 😩😱😰

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toIannodaTruffe

Thanks.. I smile.. a lot... and laugh.. even more... :)

Cliff_H profile image


I'm sure you will bounce back in no time as you roll those injuries away... oh and what a swish bit of bling! Well done you.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toCliff_H

Loving my FIRST bling... I wore it eating my dinner last evening! Just to cheer myself up with the niggly calf issue :)

The roller works... it is, as so many have said before.. exquisite pain :)

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-J in reply toOldfloss

Painful bliss 😆😆😆👍🏼👍🏼💪🏻💪🏻🌺

Dhiny profile image

Sorry to hear you have an injury Floss. Take care with that roller, if you have a tear then rest is your best therapy. Loving your bling though - it looks fab. Hope you are soon back on your feet xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toDhiny

I am loving my first bling too thank you... doing lots of resting and catching up on stuff... I am hoping it is not a tear... but am being sensible!!!

misswobble profile image

Oh dear! Sorry to hear you are Laid up! Bah, what a nuisance😤

You'll soon be back on it I'm sure 😃💪🏃‍♀️✔️👍

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply tomisswobble

Yes, blinking inconvenient.. fortunately the weather is dire at the moment... so.. planning further running adventures :)

misswobble profile image

Well you say "dire" but I was out in it all morning with the dog and I was getting very hot and bothered in my sauna of a rain coat. It was tipping it down, which is the dog's preferred weather. We splished and splashed our way down a track, appropriately named "Spring Lane", which it is. An absolute torrent! The dog loved it. I constructed poems in dialect about the dog's prediliction for eating turds. The hours just fly by!

He will wake up in a minute for his lunch and then it'll be time to go out again. I haven't dried out yet. Hey ho. At least my Achilles is not twanging today

I hope you're feeling a bit more chipper today, despite the weather.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply tomisswobble

Sounds wonderful actually...your dog has a strange taste in food??? Gosh your day is a whirl of hedonistic pleasure... ! You should think of getting the rhymes into a book...Canine Capers and Culinary Conundrums!

I am good.. pouring here but what the heck...I may try a gentle stroll tomorrow if the leg continues to improve...just dull here tomorrow.. :)

Glad your Achilles is okay too!

ancientrunner profile image

Sorry to read that - hope it settles quickly.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toancientrunner

Thanks.... you know me... I will bounce back..maybe not quite as indestructible as I thought :)

The roller.. wow.. it helps ...I shall try for a walk tomorrow... gently :)

Hope all good with youx

ancientrunner profile image
ancientrunnerGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Hope it goes well. I know I shouldn't write this but have been quite lucky myself with the IC as well and dreading when the time comes. If I stop may never start again! Life is busy but all good thanks.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toancientrunner

You should not have written that.... that is what I a reply! Eeek!

My Nan used to call it, tempting fate!

The IC has the same effect on me, will i start again....but, having broken ribs etc and had the long spells of bronchitis in January...I know that we do get back to it and are often stronger.. that is what I am telling myself now !!

Good when life is busy too ! x

ancientrunner profile image

I know. I know!! I did have everything I could think of crossed when I wrote it - and I suppose I as on the messed up head couch for nearly a year when the gremlins wouldn't let me run more than 20mins. Not sure why I didn't chuck it all in then, but hey ho. You will come back fighting fit I am sure.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toancientrunner

Cannot keep us down... we keep bobbing back up! x

mfamilias profile image

Oh dear, Floss :( How frustrating. Time to give yourself the advice you would give to us in your position, I guess... You can do some passive running via the forum, play with your new roller and maybe ask AncientMum to whisper the phone number of the lovely physio J into your ear. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply tomfamilias

Blooming old Crock I am... !

But...never mind... I am catching up on writing my book, finishing paintings, playing with small runner in training and spending far too much cash on her, and on running gear!

The roller is.., did I get this far without the exquisite pain of such a thing!

I have found a physio and if no improvement by Monday.. i shall be there !

Thanks you x

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Writing a book?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply tomfamilias

Yep.... running theme.... :)

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Oooh, exciting!!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply tomfamilias

Hmm.. it is.. a little bit raunchy though... murder with a twist... think err... Jilly Cooper meets Colin Dexter.. Sleuth and Sex :) Fun writing it though x

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

I look forward to reading it one day - you're an excellent writer.

runswithdogs profile image

Sorry to hear this OF. Time to put the feet up and sit on the couch with that glorious medal around your neck.

A few years back I had an overuse injury with my knee. As a result, every time I build up my distances I throw an easy week in quite regularly. Gentle 3k runs and stuff like that. I've had good success with that.

Hopefully you're not out too long.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply torunswithdogs

Not sure what is going on moment fine.. next, weird calf pain ... I am rolling and gentle exercise, but if it is not showing some improvement after the weekend I will go and get it checked at a Sports Physiotherapists..

I think I may attempt a gentle walk this morning :) Thanks you x


I love my medal... I have a virtual run for Kidney research in August..just a 5K though.. ( just..tee heee ) A few of the friends on here are doing that...:)

50up profile image

Really sorry about your injury Oldfloss . Nice bling, well done. Wishing you a speedy (or should it be 'slow and steady') recovery. Being laid up with injury/illness took me back to painting several years ago, sure you'll make good use of the time.

Good luck with physio, hope it helps.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to50up

Thank you.. injury focuses the mind wonderfully!

Hey! Oldfloss sad to read your injured again. What's a roller ? Is it a treadmills? Anyhoo ! nice bit of bling congrats on that sweetheart .Have you tried elavation,ice packs and gentle exercises oh yes. What about some massages ?. Either way Oldfloss you need to rest up and get better.

Take care now ! 😢😢😄🛌

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to

A roller. is the most wonderful instrument of torture... and have been sensible... RICEd, rollered and just had my first gentle walks...yesterday and today.

My bling is good... it is my first :) Thanksx

PippiRuns profile image

So this is what happened to you! Oh dear, sweet Floss! I hope you are healing ❤️💪

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