I have a very long story... cut short basically I have always suffered with chronic constipation and struggle to go more than once or twice a week without help. Other than that i've been quite fit and well.
In August I suffered a bad heart attack and was started on DAPT which is anti-platelet therapy as I had a stent fitted after angiogram, it is basically a blood thinner and Aspirin. A week after leaving hospital I was readmitted after passing black stools.. They thought I had a gastric bleed but after undergoing an endoscopy, nothing was discovered and all got back to normal and I was discharged.
However, on having a blood test it was discovered my haemoglobin has dropped significantly and now they want to do a colonoscopy to check for any bleeding..... I am certain it is only since I started on the blood thinners I have had this problem but no one seems to be listening.
I went for the pre assessment today and have been given a double preparation due to the constipation ! I have to take 2 sachets of Laxido twice a day for a week before and then on the day before I have been given Plenvu to start at 7pm the night before and then the second dose at 4.30 am on the morning of the procedure which is scheduled for 8.30 am. I also have to stop my iron tablets 7 days before and not take my blood thinning meds on the day.
I am really nervous as it seems really late to be taking the second dose of laxatives and i'm scared about getting to the appointment without needing the toilet on the way etc. I am wondering if I could take the first dose a bit earlier and the second a bit earlier. Has anyone experience of Plenvu ? any help would be very appreciated. I have ten days left before the dreaded procedure.
Thank you so much for any advice