has anyone been refused surgery due to a low BMI? I know my bmi is only around 14 which is very low but I am at this weight due to my bowel issues and the constant pain I am in. My surgeon knows my weight and just warned me of the added risks but is happy to go ahead. I have had many surgeries before at this weight and been fine I even had one just 4 months ago but this is at a new hospital and I had my pre assessment yesterday and the nurse was so negative I cried the whole way through it as I need the surgery and she said it’s down to the anaesthetist so I will find out next week.
It’s ridiculous because I need the surgery to enable me to build up and get better so I am really scared I can’t wait any longer waiting this long has killed me if they make me wait to put on weight I don’t know how I will cope.
Has anyone had this happen before? I know it’s just the nurse saying this but she is the one who will speak to the anaesthetist so I’m really scared.
thank you