Hi, I'm after some advice please.In January I finally went to my Dr about rectal bleeding. I was terrified, and knew I should have gone months ago. I have a history of piles which bleed occasionally, but this bleeding was on a whole different level. Every time I sat on the toilet, I would have a lot of wind which would spray blood over the entire toilet bowl and I would be able to feel blood dripping out of me. I also get lots of cramping and changes in bowel habits.
My Dr did a rectal exam (which was not as terrible as I was expecting, I had never had one before!)
I did a FIT test which came back as greater than 200. I then had a colonoscopy and was told I had diverticular disease. I was given a leaflet about eating more fibre and sent on my way.
Does this mean I have to put up with the bleeding? Is this now something I will always have? Or will eating more fibre stop the bleeding?
I don't feel I have been given much advice and I hope some of you kind people who may be having the same problems can share some insights with me.
J x