I have just started taking 1 adcal-d3 a day, but it's hard to know if you are absorbing calcium because you read of so many foods that block and leech calcium from your bones, you don't know what to eat at mealtimes.
absorbing calcium : I have just started... - Bone Health and O...
absorbing calcium

Stomach acid is needed for mineral absorption as well as some vitamins. Thiamine (vitamin B1) activated by adequate magnesium it is used by the brain and vagus nerve for control of the digestive system. D3 increases calcium absorption, also is activated by magnesium and recycled by boron. Magnesium retains calcium in bones and removes calcium from soft tissue by stimulating a particular hormone, calcitonin. Zinc increases protein synthetase which helps bone health. K2MK7, vitamin C , boron and annatto tocotrienol also aid in bone building and preventing bone loss. Minimize in your diet high sodium foods, sugary treats, oxalate rich foods like spinach, beans, peas and lentils, wheat bran, caffeine, alcohol and soda to avoid calcium loss. Always consult your health care provider before using any supplement.
In other words starve, because all the foods that block calcium, even porridge that I have every morning with alpro milk, porridge blocks the calcium
No, I eat all the foods that block calcium. However, as I began my reply to you with maintaining stomach acid for mineral absorption and followingup with calcium absorption enhancers and retainers such as boron allow you to maintain bone. Calcium and magnesium citrate can reduce oxalate absorption from the intestinal tract. The gut bacteria O. formigenes breaks down oxalate and uses it as energy. I'm 78 and my tests show no degradation.
thanks, I have just started 1 adcal-d3 a day which my oncologist said to take, I have only taken 3 and now bad constipation, regarding acid for absorption, I take a ppi 20mg of pantoprazole so that doesn't help.
Radars, search on "SIBO Thiamine". It will explain how activated thiamine may offer a solution with aiding in the brain's control of sphincter valves and the digestive system. Also search on "thiamine constipation" A form of thiamine that can pass through the blood brain barrier is TTFD. Please research it.
do you think calcium citrate would be better for my stomach, I take 450 mgs of magnesium glycinate on a night, I can't keep taking adcal-d3 because I have got a hiatus hernia. if I take adcal-d3 with say breakfast the oatmeal will block the calcium. it's a bit complicated with what you are saying.
Soak your oats. Make overnight porridge. Pour your oats in a bowl and add a liquid of your choice (water, milk, or milk alternative). Leave the bowl in the fridge overnight. The next morning, either cook the oats, or enjoy them cold . Soaking oats over night neutralizes phytic acid which blocks mineral absorption, makes them more digestible and lowers the oats glycemic index.
that's what I do with your unbelievable bowl organic super porridge £20 a bag they have got flaxseed and other seeds, but will I still be absorbing calcium.
Your next blood test will be your best answer.
thanks, so will calcium citrate be ok,because I take a ppi 20mg of pantoprazole that makes it hard to absorb nutrients
Radars, I had acid reflux that came up to my throat. I used a proton pump inhibitor yet I still experienced reflux when I reclined. A little over a year ago I came across the information about thiamine I shared with you. In the morning I used one B-Complex in capsule form with a capsule of TTFD thiamine together with a form of magnesium called threonate which, like TTFD, can pass through the blood brain barrier faster than other forms. At supper, I took a second TTFD along with a threonate capsule and two magnesium glycinate caps and one magnesium citrate. Glycinate and citrate only contain 16% elemental magnesium of their listed so 450mg of magnesium glycinate contains 72 mg of elemental magnesium. In 7 days of this regimen I no longer had reflux when I went to bed. Today I am reflux free and just follow the same regimen.
thanks but I don't understand all that are you saying to take a b complex. I take 450mgs of magnesium glycinate a night. what's ttfd
TTFD is a form of thiamine that quickly passes through the blood brain barrier. The B-complex is used as a foundation to complement the TTFD thiamine.